Why don’t girls like me? Why she’s just not interested

Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2021


Think you’re the only guy who’s constantly asking: “Why don’t girls like?” Think again.

Personally, I know countless guys who stress over the opposite sex. A few rejections are enough to convince some more anxious men they’re totally unlovable. The reality is we all have these low self-esteem moments when it comes to romance.

Although being single for a while can be a lot of fun, it also leaves you wondering about your attractiveness and value when your attempts to make a connection constantly fall flat.

The good news? Sometimes, the problem isn’t anything you’ve done wrong. Certain girls have very specific types. Others might not want to get into a relationship when you come looking.

If it is something about you driving women away, there are also steps you can take to rectify the problem. Here are a few reasons why girls might take a step back from certain guys, and tips on how you can fix them.

1. Bad attitude = bad prospects

I can’t speak for everyone, but personality is a pretty big deal for me in any relationship. I’m instantly more interested in guys who are confident, insightful, interesting, and ambitious. I know countless girls who feel exactly the same.

If you’re going out on the hunt for a female, ask yourself if you’re in the right frame of mind to attract other people to you.

If you’re exhausted, bored, grumpy, or just have a basic bad attitude, you’re going to exude a bunch of negative energy. No girl wants to be around that. Even if you’re not in the best frame of mind right now, try to push the bad stuff out of the way before you start talking to a girl.

It makes it much easier to form a romantic connection when you’re open, laid-back, and natural.

Can’t find anything nice to say about yourself, or your day? No problem — make the conversation about her instead.

2. You’ve got the wrong intentions

What are you actually trying to accomplish when you approach a girl?

Are you just dying to get laid after a few weeks without action, or do you want to really get to know someone? Girls have an innate ability to tell what your underlying motives are if you’re not careful, so make sure you think about what you want to put across to your lady friend.

The two routes you don’t want to go down are:

  • All I want is sex: A guy who’s 100% focused on sex is usually a turn off. While girls are sometimes looking for a quick one-night stand too, they don’t like thinking that’s the only thing your interested in. Try to show you’re interested without being desperate, or creepy.
  • All I want is love: This is a little sweeter than the first option — but it’s not always great either. If you’re too desperate for affection, it can make you come across as clingy, and just plain weird. Take it back a notch and stay cool.

3. You’re not looking after yourself

There’s definitely more to catching a girl’s eye than looking great. However, any girl who says she doesn’t care about appearance at all is probably lying.

We all look for certain things in a potential partner, from a great smile, to awesome hair. Most of the time, the aesthetic stuff is going to catch a girl’s attention much faster than your personality.

While you can’t magically transform yourself into your target girl’s “type”, you can make an effort to look good. A well-groomed guy is more appealing, because ladies like men who take care of themselves.

Choose your outfit with caution and make sure it’s not wrinkled or covered in food.

Take the time to comb your hair, sort out your beard, and even apply a little aftershave. Looking after your appearance will attract ladies, and help you feel more confident.

4. Your confidence levels are off

As much as guys love a well-groomed guy who pays attention to us and shows genuine interest, we love one thing even more: confidence. Nothing is more attractive than a guy who’s comfortable in his skin. Unfortunately, it’s often difficult for a lot of men to show the right level of confidence.

On the one hand, too little confidence makes you look boring and less attractive. If you keep to yourself and hide behind the lads at the bar, you’re not going to get anyone’s attention.

On the other hand, being overly confident and bragging about how many orgasms you can give your partner is just obnoxious.

Balance is crucial here. Try to find the perfect medium between being the wallflower and acting like you’re God’s gift. Talk about yourself when the moment’s right and ask about your partner too. Try to smile regularly and be honest — you’ll get there.

What if women really don’t want you?

If the four issues above don’t apply to you, or you’ve tried my suggestions, and they’re just not working, there are other problems that might be getting in the way. Something as simple as talking too much or not talking enough can sometimes rub women the wrong way.

Or perhaps you’re trying your luck with the wrong kind of women in the first place.

If you’re doing your best to be your best self and you’re still not getting the attention you deserve, try not to take it personally — we all strike out from time to time.

Of course, you can always get some extra help figuring out what’s turning the ladies off by checking out the full version of this article on Blitz’d magazine.

Blitz yourself better!



Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine

A contributor for some of the world’s leading online publications, Rebekah joined the ranks of Blitz’d Magazine to help unravel your relationship issues.