Why women pull away from a relationship

Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2021


Wondering why women pull away from you? You’re not alone.

Relationships are tricky things. One minute, it feels like everything is going perfectly. You’re constantly with your partner, unable to take your eyes or hands off each other.

Then, suddenly, it’s almost impossible to get a response to your texts.

So, what’s the deal?

While I can’t tell you all the reasons why women pull away without getting into the head of every female on the planet — I can give you some ideas based on my personal experience.

If the confusing behavior of your beloved is getting you down, the following insights could help you to determine what you’re doing wrong.

How do women pull away?

Before we get into the basics of what’s going on when a woman pulls away, let’s explore how you might notice your other half losing interest.

When a girl isn’t happy with something, she can pull away emotionally, or physically. Both options can be a bad sign for your relationship if you have no idea what’s behind the sudden cold shoulder.

The good news is just because a woman is pulling away from a relationship now, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over.

If you can figure out how to get to the bottom of the problem together, you could even use this experience as an opportunity to come closer together. After all, relationships are all about growing and learning about each other over time.

When she pulls away emotionally…

Think your girl is pulling away emotionally? If so, it’s usually a sign something’s going on in her head. She might be overthinking something that has nothing to do with you, or she could be stressed out about another part of her life. It’s not always about you.

If she’s pulling away emotionally, now could be the time to consider what she might be thinking about you and the relationship she has together.

Could she be worried about:

Lack of commitment

If you never show your girl, she’s your one and only, she might be reluctant to open up to you. Similarly, if your woman isn’t fully invested in the relationship, she’s probably not going to let her emotional guard down either.

If you’re showing commitment and she’s not, your relationship might be in trouble.

You’re emotionally distant

Why should your lady friend stay close to you emotionally if you’re not going to do the same for her? Women often see emotional intimacy as crucial to a relationship. If she doesn’t think you’re willing to share your feelings, she might lose interest in you.

I’m not saying you should start writing poetry or listening to sad music more often but getting in touch with your emotional side is often helpful.

She feels smothered or neglected

Around 70% of cheaters say they end up sleeping with someone else because their existing partner neglected them. Your partner might not have reached this point yet, but don’t expect her to stick around if you’re not paying her enough attention.

In the same breath, try not to be too smothering. Getting affectionate to the point of being clingy can be overwhelming too.

When she pulls away physically…

The sad truth is most guys I know only really notice when their girl is pulling away when the sex stops. While this isn’t true for everyone, most women tend to pull away emotionally first, and lose interest in sex later.

If she’s just not trying to “get with you” anymore, you could be in trouble.

Sometimes, women lose interest in sex with you because they’re more interested in someone else — perhaps someone with better grooming habits.

Other times, girls might pull away physically because they’re:

Not feeling confident

Girls often need confidence and high self-esteem to feel ready for sex. If she’s pulling away physically, it might be because she doesn’t feel sexy or alluring. Let her know you think she’s gorgeous, and she’s much more likely to want to get between the sheets with you again.

Attachment issues

Sometimes, women try to protect themselves from getting attached too quickly by holding off on sex. This can be part of a strategy to figure out whether a guy is really interested in us on a deeper level, or they just want another notch on their bed post.

Lack of appreciation

When women feel loved and supported, they’re far more likely to want to get intimate. Something as simple as taking the time to listen to your girl and thank her for what she does for you could be enough to make a real difference. Turn up your kindness levels to get some extra lovin’.

What does it mean when a woman pulls away?

The reality is every woman is different. We don’t all back off for the same reasons in a relationship. Sometimes, the issue is something that has nothing to do with you. In this case, the best thing you can do is show your support, be caring, attentive, and loving. Give your girl patience to get over whatever she’s dealing with and see whether she ends up back in your arms.

If you notice you are doing something wrong, there are a few things you can do to boost your chances of getting back into your girl’s good graces.

Head over to Blitz’d Magazine for the full version off this post, where we’ll talk about what to do about a distant partner.

Blitz yourself better!



Rebekah Carter
Blitz’d Magazine

A contributor for some of the world’s leading online publications, Rebekah joined the ranks of Blitz’d Magazine to help unravel your relationship issues.