Consistency Will Bring Me To Unimaginable Places

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
2 min readJun 30, 2024

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

We now live in the most convenient generation ever. There has been no generation that allows you to get something at your fingertips and straight deliver it to your home in just a few minutes.

Most of the time we want it fast.

Most of the time we want something overnight.

Most of the time.

But not everything can be achieved quickly. Not everything can be accomplished in a short amount of time.

It takes time.

I remember when I started running again I wanted to go fast. I wanted to go to a pace I am used to. However, my body cannot do that yet again.

It needs some time to be conditioned again.

I told myself that I may be frustrated and keep on complaining or I could work it out again.

And so I continued working out again. I started being consistent in my running sessions.

No matter how slow. No matter how challenging it is. No matter how many times I catch my breath. I persevered through it.

And now I am on the path of redeeming myself again and completing my first half marathon again.

Consistency will get you to unimaginable places. It sprouts unknowingly.

You’ll be surprised the fruit is already in front of you.

May you reach your dreams.

