It’s Easy To Train And Get Tired

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
1 min readAug 4, 2024

Training can be done in many ways. Most likely a training session is a personalized set of exercises that work best for you.

When you’re not tired, it’s easy to train.

When you’re not giving your all, it’s easy to train.

The difference is that if you want to improve yourself, you have to study the game.

Why when doing a certain exercise hurts my shoulders? Why when reaching my hand in this position hurts my elbow? Why did I suddenly hurt my feet in the middle of my run?

You have to study what happened to your performance.

I understand that some might not have the capability to afford a professional to look after them but there are a lot of people who have done it just by examining themselves.

It is like an autopsy of what happened in your performance.

By doing this we get more from our training. We get knowledge and wisdom which we can use for our next performance.

It takes trial and error but if that’s something important to you. You’ll continue to seek it.

May you reach your dreams.

