Many Things Get Resolved On Their Own

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
2 min readJul 7, 2024

How many times have we encountered where things just get resolved when we give it some time?

It may be the problem you were trying to solve at work for many days suddenly gets resolved the next day magically.

It may be the clogged toilet in your bathroom that for some reason giving you a hard time. But then eventually gets resolved the next day.

How many times have we encountered this in our life?

Many times.

The nature and the universe has its timing. It has its natural course of ‘time’. We do not have control over this or influence, it just is.

Most of the time we worry or get stressed about the things that somehow or magically will be resolved the next day. We do not know how, when, or why it is like that.

I cannot blame anyone for not worrying about an occurring problem when we do not know when it will be resolved.

But I would like to tell you that things will naturally resolve over time. It may take some days, weeks, years, or decades. No matter how long it will be. It will be resolved.

Sometimes logically. Sometimes unimaginable.

That’s how life works mysteriously.

Let us be reminded that no matter how hard the situation is. No matter how much we feel about a certain situation. Sooner or later you will receive the answers to your questions.

May you reach your dreams.

