Progressing 1% is better than 0% progress

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
2 min readMay 16, 2021
Photo by Uri Paz on Unsplash

We all have goals and dreams in life that we want to achieve. We set out plans on how to achieve them and how we will accomplish them. We contemplate and visualize it being on our hands every single night.

Then suddenly something hits. All of a sudden there's an obstacle that seemingly preventing us from moving forward towards our goal. It is slowing our progress and the worst is it is killing our progress!

We had planned out to accomplish or reach it in 3 months but it's already 6 months and we haven't reached the goals that we set out months before.

What happened? Life happens.

Having plans to reach something is somehow like a map when you are traveling. It gives you where to go, how to go, and when to go. In other words, having plans to reach your goals is like having a map direction. It gives you where, how, and when to go but it doesn't give you what you will encounter along the way.

The map doesn't know what will life give just like any of us.

The lesson is to take your map and whenever we encounter obstacles which is a blessing of life, try to overcome them little by little. It doesn't need to be too fast. You have to move forward even 1% on reaching your goals and dreams. There will be obstacles but remember that you have a map in which can serve a purpose to you by giving you how you could get it.

Obstacles are inevitable in life. We can't live life without obstacles. The only thing we can do is progress little by little. Move forward little by little. And sooner or later you will be surprised you are already there.

Progressing 1% today is way better than no progress at all.

Make 1% progress today!

May you reach your dreams.

