Reinvest What You Get Today

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
2 min readJul 14, 2024
Photo by Samson on Unsplash

Investment is a tricky one.

Not all investments are equal. On some investments, you’ll get less. While on others, you’ll get more.

Fundamentally, investment is a process of taking what you have today, preserving it with the hopes that in the future it will grow more and then get it back.

I’m pretty sure when you hear the word investment, you will think immediately about money. But today, we are not talking about money. Yes, we can talk about investment and money in the same context.

Every day we are doing what we think we should be doing. Some do what they love doing. Some do what they hate doing. Some do what they just want to do.

Every day we receive a blessing from life — material or immaterial. What if we can we use that to create a better experience for tomorrow?

What if instead of buying a water bottle every day, you reinvest what you gain today in buying a water system?

What if instead of buying some gadgets to impress other people, you reinvest what you gain today in buying more books to expand your knowledge?

There are a lot of things we can do to reinvest today to enhance tomorrow.

Most of the time we are just buying or spending on unnecessary things both financial and not. Yes, even outside financial like our time.

Today is a blessing. Let us not take today for granted. It is not given to everyone.

Let us fully receive the blessings of today and try to reinvest those blessings for a blissful tomorrow.

May you reach your dreams.

