Take A Deep Breath

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
1 min readMar 17, 2024

Do you know that the present moment is a gift? That is why it is called present.

Many times on our waking day, our mind is on a different frequency. Sometimes it is on the frequency of a problem we want to solve in the future. Sometimes it is on the frequency from the past.

It is not an issue to be on that frequency of mind. However, the problem arises when we tune in to that most of the time.

The more we consume it, the more we forget how to appreciate the present moment. The gift.

You might wonder how do we exactly appreciate the present moment?

We can practice letting go of everything we think is a priority to do at work. We can practice not thinking about studying when we are on vacation.

We can practice just observing the environment and not doing anything.

These are some ways how to do it and should give you a new experience.

May you enjoy the present moment.

May you reach your dreams.

