Your Goal Is A Promise You Keep To Yourself

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
1 min readMar 24, 2024

Your goal isn’t something you just put in a list. Your goal isn’t something you just hang on the wall. And most importantly, your goal isn’t something you just imagine and wish you want to do and then think out loud.

It is a promise you keep to yourself.

Your goal is a promise because you want to do it for yourself. To improve different aspects of your life.

The more we fail to achieve the goals we set, the more we lose confidence in ourselves.

How can we reach greater heights if we fail to achieve the goal in front of us?

How can we trust ourselves? How can you trust yourself?

Your goal isn’t a decorator. It is not a design for your paper, notebook, or wall for other people. It is a promise you keep to yourself.

A promise to improve our lives.

May you reach your dreams.

