You’re Not Missing Anything

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
1 min readSep 1, 2024

As we work on our goals and dreams in life, there will be moments when we will have to sacrifice some weekends, some nights, or some holidays to make progress on it.

It may seem that we’re missing out on the “fun” part, but some find the “fun” to be in making progress towards it.

Do we really miss something if we choose to work on our goals and dreams?

From a narrow perspective, it will look like we missed something. We missed the gathering or the story that the event will build up.

But from a wider perspective, if we want our goals and dreams, then we don’t miss anything. It increased its progress.

There is a time for fun. There is a time for celebration.

There is a time for other things.

But if it’s time for your goals and dreams, continue working on them.

You may sound crazy, weird, or anything to other people. Ignore them. No one sees it the way you see your goals and dreams.

We are working on the long term.

May you reach your dreams.

