Three things you could spend the rest of your digital marketing budget on

Teresa Schilder-Knudsen
Blixt & Dunder
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

It is that time of the year when you realise that you still have a few pennies left on your digital marketing budget, but you are busy catching up on existing projects before the end of the year. In that case, here are some suggestions on what you could get done that would not require extensive amounts of your precious time.

Image credits: Beatriz Pérez Moya on

Outside-in experience review of your digital channel(s)

It can be beneficial to get that second opinion on your digital presence and what would be the most important thing(s) to optimise seen from an outsiders perspective. Of course, if you don’t have the time for detailed briefings, the recommendations might be somewhat general but could prove valuable in planning your budget going forward. Maybe you get confirmed in what you already knew which provides leverage when you have to sell in your budget plans, or you might get new perspectives that will make you reprioritise a few things to get the most value for money next year.

Evaluation of your digital visual identity

You might consider if now is the time to prioritise a redesign project — or even an entirely new visual identity. Alternatively, if a few adjustments could do the job to make the current visual identity last a little longer. A few work meetings and access to your existing digital libraries (and or design guidelines) would be enough for an experienced designer to give you an overview of your options and considerations that will qualify your decision on what to do.

That one (design) problem that you are still struggling with

Maybe you have that one nagging problem that you did not have the time or resources to prioritise in your busy schedule. It could be something concrete such as a broken flow in a key touch point that you would like to improve, or it could be a bit more vaguely defined and you need help framing the problem. Much research can be done with a minimum of your involvement, and if the problem proves to be simple, you might even have a solution before Christmas this year.



Teresa Schilder-Knudsen
Blixt & Dunder

Teresa is a User Experience Designer and Strategist from Copenhagen, Denmark. She works primarily with clients in Scandinavia.