The Black Feminist Starter Library

Black Feminist works to build up your knowledge and your bookshelf

Casira Copes


Image by Mary Long on Shutterstock

[NOTE: This is a living document. This list does not claim to be exhaustive. If you know of other books about Black Feminism that should be added, leave a comment with the title and author. Check back for updates as time goes on.]

The Black Feminist Starter Library is a collection of works intended to help inform those who may be just starting to educate themselves about Black Feminism, Womanism, and the unique body of knowledge generated by Black women over the decades. This body of literature encompasses diverse authors of varying viewpoints, all of which are important to the development of Black Feminist consciousness. If you want to become more knowledgeable about the issues and passions of Black Feminists, start here.

Please be aware that as Black Feminists are diverse thinkers, some of the works listed here may critique or contradict others. The purpose of this list is to help expose readers to Black Feminist ideologies, not to present any text or writers as having the “correct” frameworks or teachings. Developing one’s own consciousness through critical reflection is essential.

If you don’t know where to start reading, the Free Black Women’s Library has created a reading challenge and…

