14 Signs of a GOOD Manager

Mohamed Aboelez
Published in
13 min readNov 22, 2023


Navigating leadership excellence.

Photo by Dejected Bandha on Unsplash

I’ll be frank. I’ve worked for some real dumb assholes (in the past) as have many I’m sure.

Several of these managers or leads fall into one of these categories:

a) Dumb but very nice (should never be in a management or lead position). Got there from kissing ass or got lucky.

b) Dumb, overly nice 99% of the time, but blows up suddenly when things do not go well turning into dumb assholes

c) Dumb & Complete Assholes all the time

d) Smart and Complete Assholes all the time

However, there are some very very rare managers or leads in IT these days that qualify as decent or even great managers in IT. I currently have one right now as we speak. I have worked with good managers in addition to bad but they are very rare in my experience.

Disclaimer: First before I dive into the list below, let me state that I am not saying that the lead must empower or motivate leeching. If you think that this post somehow promotes leeching, then stop and take a breather and then read on. Get off your high horse. That’s definitely not what this is about.

Characteristics/attitudes/process of good management & leadership:

1) Have a passion for technology…

