The philosophy of the blockchain technology.

Understanding with “What is” is how we often learn things, but the moment a “why” question of “what” has been asked/raised, we won’t even understand the question, LET ALONE THE ANSWER.

if you don’t understand the philosophy of a technology , you won’t probably understand the practical and social implications of that technology in great depth.

Understanding the why of what of which is very important.

Alright, let’s get started.

to understand the philosophy of blockchain, let’s understand what’s happening right now.

The internet surely changed the game in technology , solving a bunch of problems in search, communication, delivery and many more..

As it’s making it’s progress, it also slowly spread to all the countries giving access to everyone the same information universally.

As we got more and more computers connected to one single entity called “Web” , we started digitizing the information ( earlier we used to store that information in our homes, now we carry that in our pockets)

The governments, the banks, the hospitals, the entities we need slowly digitized themselves to serve us better and faster.

Then some people realized that this could be an opportunity for adding/changing/exploring/exploiting/understanding things around us to create better things for general people to avail services using the fingertip Technology.

so “they” started changing all Industries and sectors, from Agriculture services to financial services to utilities (water, gas , electricity ).

Who is “They”???

We call them the “the modern age of middlemen”

The middlemen includes both the government officials and the private organisations.

some of them became “monopolies” that they no longer need us, we need them to offer services to us.

The government does not need the people anymore , the people need the government. (IMO)

But we are happy and safe, we get instant access for almost ANYTHING, whatever we need there is always someone who can offer the service, in return we pay taxes/fees/bribes etc..

Finally the internet became a global government. what ever the internet has , the whole world will follow it.

and then…………….

the consequences → overwhelming of information now we see counter narratives about the govt, religions,media, fake news, conspiracy and etc..

Knowing the “Truth” of something is almost impossible.

The bads of internet have come into the picture, the internet slowly looses it’s TRUST and TRANSPARENCY.

These are the things the internet was supposed to solve but not addressed, the internet was supposed to be the middlemen but the internet created the middlemen.

The middlemen get the leverage now so we general public should adhere to what they say and how they operate. Period.

This is where the philosophy of the blockchain comes into the picture.

Any philosophy by anymeans should not have to solve problems or will not have to solve problems but it gives the freedom for us to do things that we want to in a way that we are comfortable.

Hahaha, That’s true and funny. Anyway…

The freedom from the world now is “Decentralisation”

Yup. that’s right, decentralisation is what we are hearing from many tech experts from all over the world.

The term “decentralised” is pretty hard to understand and means completely different in some situations, but since we speak from the Technology standpoint, let’s lay down some points

  1. Distributed Trust
  2. Open source
  3. No single entity’s ownership or control
  4. No middlemen, its Peer to Peer (P2P)
  5. Transparency of information
  6. High Security
  7. Boarderless and Permissionless

We can say these are propeties of blockchain but the underlying philosophy is you have the freedom and privacy to do the things that you want to without any middlemen/untrusted entities.

Now where can we apply this philosophy ??

Me being a job holder working 9 to 5 job, having parties and fun, don’t see the applications at all for this philosophy.

well, Individually it may not impact or be applicable but as a society its definitely needed in our lives.

Actually you know what, you are late to find this, its been a decade since this philosophy started and adopted by vast tech majority

Don’t be late twice.

in 2009, A random dude from the internet followed this philosophy and invented new currency called “Bitcoin” , he publiched a paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System —

BTW, Block chain is not BITCOIN, Bitcoin is based on Blockchain.

I will talk about this shit in later stories so let’s move on.

The applications for this technology are endless based on the adoption of this tech,

it started with “Crypto currencies” to change the finance sector, now it’s being adpoted for various sectors to solve various problems.

Well, don’t worry , I will explain the blockchain in later stories, just understand the philosophy and observe how this can fit into the current systems.

Let’s see where this philosophy and features apply in the current systems.

Areas where a lot of middlemen there

  1. Cross border payments and transactions
  2. Banks & some govt facilities
  3. A lot of Twitter, UBER, AirBnB , etc .. players
  4. Any broker deals, like Real estate

Areas where Trust and accountability need

  1. Any Traditional contracts services/products
  2. Crowdfunding
  3. Charity and Voting

Areas where Copyrights & IP is essential

  1. Lands, Homes,& properties
  2. Digital assets , music, video, image etc..

Areas where Transparency and Security matters

  1. Data storage
  2. Supply chain management
  3. Any record management areas like health records & criminal records etc..

The area where Central banks print money #brrrrrrrrr.

BTW all the properties come together as a package if you use blockchain, so it all depends on the problem and purpose.

Even though its been a long while since this philosophy attacted a lot of people, many people say and believe that “We are just scratching the surface”

It’s like databases in 1970, or the TCP/IP-based internet in 1993, its very very young

Anyway, I am not gonna bore you with the facts and speculations, I will end this by saying “Trust is very hard to gain so don’t just blindly trust anyone unless they say You are awesome”

That’s it , That’s all for this story, in the next story I will write about blockchain in detail ( helpful for techies and some enthusiasts )

Untill then Have a good day.

Oh I forgot , if you want to reach out to me for any discussions/ideas/thought, feel free to do that through linkedin or twitter.

PS: I don’t have & sell courses and I just share because I love it.

