4 Simple Tips for Getting Listed on a Token Exchange

Wesley Graham
Block 16
Published in
5 min readJun 27, 2018

By Wesley Graham and Kingsley Edwards

Getting listed on a crypto exchange can be a make-or-brake moment in the widespread adoption of your token.

Exchanges are often the on-ramp for users to access your ecosystem, and dictate how widespread the distribution and utility of your token will be. They also mark an important signifier of community acceptance and project validity — as if you can pass an exchange’s screening and due diligence procedures you will often significantly increase public perception of your token.

Simply put (if you have a great project), getting listed on an exchange = increasing your valuation.

The problem, however, with getting listed on an exchange is that everyone in the crypto world already knows of their importance. Gone are the days of top exchanges actively looking to add new tokens; we are now seeing armageddon ensue for a spot on any of the worlds most popular exchanges.

With that in mind, Block 16 CEO Kingsley Edwards and I have put together a concise, high-level piece on the top tips for getting listed on a crypto exchange. For more intricate details as well as a customized exchange-listing plan, please reach out to Kingsley or I here for personalized input based on your business needs.

Tip 1: Start Yesterday

When going about developing your exchange listing strategy it is important to start the process as soon as possible.

One of the most difficult aspects about dealing with exchanges is that they are facing such a significant project demand — which results in significant delays in the listing process.

At Block 16 we recommend beginning exchange strategy as early as even during your token sale, in order to open lines of communication and jump ahead of the pack the second your sale is completed.

On top of this, we recommend that clients actively keep communication with exchanges as alive as possible (I.e respond to responses immediately, circle back to check for updates), as issues with exchange listing will inevitably arise and delays on the exchange’s end be significant enough to slow operations.

Go through all paperwork that the exchange asks for as soon as possible — most notably the legal letters explaining why you view your token as a utility/security — and seek legal guidance on how you can position you documentation to pass through the exchange system with minimal calls for edits. Additionally be prepared to pay an exchange fee depending on which exchange you are talking to. Ultimately, in the long run, a pay-to-play listing may be costly for your project, but in the long term it will often provide a kickback in liquidity and adoption that will change your valuation for the better.

Tip 2: Pick Smart

All exchanges were not created equal. Oftentimes, one of the fatal flaws of token projects is their immediate desire to be listed on major players like Binance or Bittrex, without a rooting or presence in any mid-tier or lower-tier exchanges.

Just because your project may have raised a lot of money does not mean that Binance would like to take the steps necessary to list it, which is why it is important to first develop a strong presence on smaller, less competitive exchanges.

Each exchange has its own tendencies, habits, connections, and preferences of types of tokens listed, which is why it is important to seek the guidance of an experienced professional in going about this process.

Tip 3: Know the Right People

The cliche “your network is your net worth” cannot be understated enough in the listing process. Your best entry point to any potential listing is through a mutual connection, or a warm lead provided by someone in your network. Exchanges are being approached and pitched all the time, which is why it is important to differentiate yourself with a personal introduction to higher-ups at the platform.

Oftentimes these connections can be provided by consultancies, community members, and your investors — which is why it is incredibly important to find well-connected individuals and begin to sell them on your project vision.

That being said, exchanges are no dummies. Before being listed on any exchange significant rounds of due diligence will be done on your company, which is why it is important to come to an exchange with your house in order. Initial communications with exchanges should be centered around both your project vision as well as a comprehensive achievement list and business plan, as exchanges will often not go near projects that have not garnered specific achievements or traction.

Tip 4: Time the Market

Exchange listings are most impactful when they are timed on the precipice of a bull market. When planning to approach major exchanges keep this in mind, as a listing on a big exchange when nobody wants to buy will not garner nearly as much attraction as a listing when volume is high.

It is important to take a look at the crypto market sentiment before making any significants, and devise a thorough strategy that will still allow for impactful action to be taken when the market is cooling down. Given the recent scrutiny exchanges have faced regarding lax on regulations the listing process on average takes on around 2 months or so to complete, so starting early and timing the market right is key in order to maximize impact on a successful listing goal.


There are many difficult decisions to be made when embarking on the process of listing your token on exchanges. If you can do it right, you possess the chance to instantly increase your token liquidity, adoption, and valuation — however, if you don’t, you can be stuck two months into a project that yields no significant returns.

For strategic insight and 1:1 consultation on your token listing strategy don’t hesitate to reach out to Kingsley, myself, or anyone at Block 16.

Our in-house team of experts that have worked with notable players like Bittrex, Kraken, Binance, Uphold, DDEX, and Qcoin, and is able work closely with your team to build a custom strategy that is right for your project.

If you are looking for more outlook from the perspectives of a Token Sale Experts check out Wesley and Kingsley’s medium blogs — and, as always, if you like what you read be sure to clap it below :)



Wesley Graham
Block 16

Scaling Blockchains at FourthState Labs. Head of Consulting at Blockchain at Berkeley. Previously at Galaxy Digital.