Block & Chain Game Studios Weekly Newsletter December 6, 2018

Block and Chain Games
3 min readDec 7, 2018

Block & Chain Game Studios

Weekly Newsletter

December 6, 2018

News @ Block & Chain

Blockfight Update

This week’s Blockfight contender is RyShoal and he is one nasty beast:

Did you know?

Each time you beat a creature, they appear in your Hall of Victory. Collect them all for the ultimate achievement! More fighters will be added regularly for you to conquer.

Can you beat them all?

Draggin’ Dragons Update

Our Speed Racing mode is nearly complete with the team focusing on testing and bug fixing as we approach soft launch. This week, we added the Race Hash and Block Number to demonstrate provable fairness. Players will be able to view block hash details on the Halo Platform block explorer.

Block information can be copied with a single click

We are building mini tutorials into each part of our game. New players will be able to jump right in and play with a minimal learning curve.

Tutorials are triggered as players explore each part of the game

Decimated Update

The team at Fracture Labs has been working hard building immersive environments in the Decimated world. Visceral, realistic art is a hallmark of their game and they are leveraging the Unreal engine to make it happen.

Check out their recent video showcasing realtime level design:

In the News

What’s hot in gaming, on and off the blockchain? Here’s where you find out! — There are many projects working toward creating the first “killer DApp” that could spark adoption. And one of the most promising spaces is gaming.

B&C: While we’re not huge fans of overused tropes such as “killer app”, we really do believe blockchain games are an ideal gateway to bring the masses to blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency. The value of virtual goods may be arguable, but the value of enjoyable gameplay and social experiences cannot be denied. eSports, as noted in the article, is a perfect example of where smart contracts and the blockchain can add value. In our experience, players often worry about the fairness of games and the reliability purchase transactions. Blockchain can make this happen without any shadow of doubt. And as easy-to-use applications like the Halo Platform emerge, the masses will be less skittish about giving blockchain games a try. — Blockchain Cuties, a decentralized crypto collectible game operating on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, has announced that it is now available on EOS. The developer company says the new step makes Blockchain Cuties “the first game which officially supports two blockchains simultaneously.”

B&C: Now here’s something we would never see in traditional gaming: sharing technology and cooperation across disparate companies. This is the equivalent of a game like Call of Duty being playable on both the Frostbite Engine and the Unreal Engine, it just wouldn’t happen. Traditional game companies simply do not collaborate at this level, but the decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes this a reality. We hope to see many more such partnerships in the coming days.

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