Block & Chain Game Studios Weekly Newsletter January 25, 2019

Block and Chain Games
3 min readJan 26, 2019

Block & Chain Game Studios

Weekly Newsletter

January 25, 2019

News @ Block & Chain

We’re putting the finishing touches on “The Cage”, aka your in-game wallet used across all of our games, as we prepare to launch Blockfight. But that’s not all we’ve got going on this week. Read on for more!

As always, remember to sign up for our newsletter if you want it delivered to your inbox each week.

Blockfight Update

As we prepare for Blockfight’s launch, we’re looking to our beloved community to raise awareness and tell the world about this great game. We’re setting up an incentivized viral marketing campaign and contest so people can earn actual Halo (among other things) for referring players to our games. Look for the campaign to launch next week!

Draggin’ Dragons Update

Last year, we introduced the first of our Speed Dragons (see their bios here). As we march towards Draggin’ Dragon’s open beta (aka “Soft Launch”) date, we are pleased to continue showcasing these speedy racers.

This week, we give you Bryndyn:

Did you know? Most dragons are named after B&C Games staff (or their spouses)

Player Central

This week, we began “Feature Wednesday”, a new blog post we’re publishing each week to hone in on a specific feature of one of our games or the platform.

This week, we delivered a Player Central featurette, which showcased the Splash Page, the firsts creen players see after they login.This page provides an array of exciting content for your favorite games!

Read the full article for a deep dive on each element of the page.

Marketing Update

We have continued expanding our presence on It’s a new forum, but it is growing quickly and we aim to be part of this group as it expands from its humble beginnings.

This week, we announced our partnership platform to the community and demonstrated that we’re not just another vanilla Ethereum or Bitcoin platform. We’re better, faster and have a whole lot more to offer game developers!

We are continuing to seek partnerships in North America and beyond. Several such discussions are underway and we look forward to announcing more partnerships in the coming weeks.

Tutorial Videos

These short videos showcase how simple it is for players to set up and login to our games with the Halo Platform:

Tutorial 1: Setting up a Halo Platform Wallet

Tutorial 2: Using your Halo Platform Wallet to log into our games

Tutorial 3: So now you’ve played with in-game currency and you want to get some HALO currency. Start with buying some Ethereum or Bitcoin:

Note, these videos do not represent an endorsement by Block and Chain Games for any of these platforms, nor do we support any illegal activities.

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