Block & Chain Game Studios Weekly Newsletter October 26, 2018

Block and Chain Games
3 min readOct 26, 2018

Block & Chain Game Studios

Weekly Newsletter

October 26, 2018

With Halloween nearly upon us, we at Block and Chain studios want to wish our fans a ghoulish night. May all your cobweb wishes and coffin dreams come true!

News @ Block & Chain

This has been a big week for us and we are pleased to announce to our community (before everyone else), that we have published our whitepaper! The Block and Chain Game Studios whitepaper features information about the games we are making and, more importantly, the advantages of building games on our platform. Unlike the numerous blockchain game platforms out there, the speed of the Halo Platform blockchain and the features of the platform itself offer advantages that our competitors simply cannot. The whitepaper will be a centerpiece of our business development efforts and will be a tool to grow our game ecosphere through vital development partnerships such as the one we have with Decimated.

The whitepaper has been published to our website and will be launched on partner sites and press releases next week.

A couple of weeks ago, we announced our partnership with the Crypto Gamers Community. We are proud to be featured on their homepage this week. The CGC CEO is very excited about our upcoming game launches and has been showcasing the B&C game platform to indie blockchain game makers at conferences and other events.

Sign up on our website to receive our weekly Block and Chain newsletter to learn more.

Game Maker’s Corner

Michelle Pope: Artist & UI Designer

Hey all, my name is Michelle and I work mostly on UI/UX these days; having recently made the switch from illustration. Ever had a button that doesn’t work? A weird menu system that causes anxiety and confusion? I’ve seen it, experienced it, and it’s all I think about on a daily basis. If you’ve played the game Journey, you know what an absolutely beautiful, minimalistic UI looks and feels like (if you haven’t played it I recommend it!).

I love the game World of Warcraft and it’s my most favorite game (seriously my account time played is in years)! I’ve spent countless hours setting up my UI to fit my play style. The importance of good UI can be the difference between frustration and full immersion and I plan to deliver a great UI experience to the players of our games!

In the News

What’s hot in gaming, on and off the blockchain? Here’s where you find out! of vastly explorable action video games won’t need much persuading to saddle up for “Red Dead Redemption 2,” the blockbuster game out Friday for Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One

B&C: Red Dead Redemption 2 captivated audiences the world over this week. Not everyone loves the unadulterated violence of Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games’ popular open world title, where you can kill cops, steal cars and listen to heavy metal. However, it’s hard not to love Red Dead Redemption. Yes, it’s gritty and violent but in that old timey way that only a digital spaghetti western can supply. A good open world game provides not only immersion, but freedom of choice. No matter what kind of gamer you are, you can find something in here you’ll enjoy. Thankfully, we’re starting to see open world games come to the blockchain (I’m dropping a subtle hint here), so we can bear witness to the coming together of two great technologies. I’m a PC gamer so I have to wait a little longer for my copy of Red Dead 2, unfortunately…

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