Discover QUDO’s new game — FreeBoom

Online mobile shooter game by Desort Studio is latest pre-launch addition to QUDO’s dashboard.

Diogo Abreu
Block Bastards
6 min readOct 16, 2020


As you might know, we are getting close to the main net launch. While our team is working hard to ensure everything runs smoothly as you all expect, we have great news to share for all gamers out there.
Today, we at Block Bastards present you FreeBoom, a “2D MOBA arena” game developed by Desort Studio. It’s the latest to join the strict list of games that will be available by the time we launch QUDO on the main net and it’s already available during the QUDO alpha phase (running on a test net).

We had the chance to try out FreeBoom against its developers during the development phase and it was great! (Even though we ended up losing the match — see recap video below). Nonetheless, it was very interesting to see a unique leveling and economy system inside the game, together with a lot of shooting and explosions.

Gameplay: Block Bastards VS Desort Studio

This week, we had the pleasure to interview Dzmitry Tkachou, Founder & Game Designer of FreeBoom developed by Desort Studio.

Dzmitry Tkachou

1- What kind of game is FreeBoom?

FreeBoom is an online mobile shooter inside an arena with MOBA elements. The task of the game is social interaction, because it is thanks to teamwork that victory is possible. The game features various classes of characters that can be changed during the battle, depending on the situation and the map. Each character has 3 skills (currently represented by 1 for each class) that can be equipped before the match. Once you gain experience, the character has the ability to locally improve its skills. In addition to the usual shooter, there is also an economic element — the team’s internal deposit. This is a kind of team score that can be spent on improving your base, increasing the team’s strength and, in general, build up power. Therefore, we believe that this is the goal of the team-shooter we are fulfilling. Perhaps not as quickly as we would like to, but this is a great game to spend some time and enjoy with friends!

2- Where did the idea of creating FreeBoom come from?

The idea came when I was playing games from the “Who’s further” genre — when a player has to fly as far as possible on the map (like Burrito Bison, for example). I was wondering, if you could run several players at the same time, how it would look like. After several iterations, the first prototypes of FreeBoom appeared. The result is a FreeBoom shooter, where the respawn is actually a mini-game from the “Who’s further” genre. In the future, there will be duel modes to get as close as possible to the idea of a head-on collision, just as in “Who’s further” games.

3- Why did you decide to integrate QUDO into your game?

For myself, I see great potential in this system. From a developer’s point of view I see an innovative system that I really want to be a part of. I really believe that blockchain is the future, so the introduction of this technology is a very good step. QUDO is a new platform in whose development one can participate in, which is also very attractive, because every developer wants to be a part of something really great. The platform for exchanging coins for various services, advertising and rewards for players looks very promising, so this opportunity should not be missed. As for the players, in addition to the usual motivation to play, there is also an opportunity to get cryptocurrency which I think is everyone’s dream :) Not to mention that even the crypto enthusiasts who are just interested in trying to earn cryptocurrency will be interested in playing our game. Players will be able to make in-game purchases with the funds earned within the game which will be a huge incentive for the game. We are very interested in knowing what the engagement rate will be. Therefore, QUDO is a great solution for both players and developers.

QUDO wallet inside FreeBoom

4- Was it hard to integrate QUDO?

The system was implemented by a game designer who is not very familiar with Unity, but everything worked out. Any questions were promptly discussed with the QUDO team and resolved as quickly as possible, so the implementation was quite simple. Of course, just like any implementation, we faced a few problems and there was a couple of problems on our side, since FreeBoom is an online project. But we coped quite quickly without any big problems and in the future we will integrate the QUDO system even deeper.

FreeBoom main menu

5-What kind of in-app purchases should we expect from FreeBoom?

Because our game is an online shooter, then a large number of purchases are already in line — skins for characters, weapons, tools, graves (one of the little features of the game), chests and more items found in most F2P games. Of course, we would like to make our game as diverse as possible so that every player can get the experience they expect, from the game.

FreeBoom character list

6- Besides network rewards, are you planning to offer achievements or highscores rewards for your players?

Sure! QUDO will perfectly stimulate wars between clans, because when there is a real reward, you really want to participate. We are planning to make a list of the best players (highscores) with a weekly distribution of rewards. As for the achievements, I remember the days when I played Team Fortress 2 and the achievements were by no means trivial, which spurred on to play. The study of all features of the game will be partially shifted to the achievement, so of course we will be introducing achievements and highscores rewards into our game!

Claiming QUDO network rewards inside FreeBoom

7- Besides FreeBoom, can we expect more games from Desort Studio?

Our indie studio has enough game prototypes, some for mobile phones, some for consoles, some for PCs. The studio has a lot of plans, but the first priority is the success of FreeBoom’s launch. After all, we plan to implement so many ideas inside FreeBoom — a huge number of modes, opportunities and all this requires a lot of time and resources. Therefore, we are prioritizing the activeness and success of FreeBoom on the QUDO platform together with the further development of the studio and the development of new crazy games!

Desort studio does most of its work online because the majority of their members is spread across the globe. Even so, they were kind enough to elaborate a studio group picture for the article by impersonating FreeBoom characters, how awesome is that?

Desort Studio members impersonating FreeBoom characters: Dzmitry Tkachou, Irina Vashkel and Alexander Ivanov

FreeBoom looks like a really promising game with great features that will seamlessly benefit from QUDO’s rewarding mechanism. We are excited to have Desort Studio as a QUDO’s new Game Developer.

We are still accepting more game developers with the possibility to join us as founding partners until we launch QUDO on the Telos main net. There is no need for previous blockchain knowledge or experience, you just need a game that could benefit from QUDO’s features.

To apply, visit our website at, or contact us via e-mail at

If you want to know more about Desort Studio and their upcoming game FreeBoom, stay tuned with their social media channels and website:



