BCGS #10 — Emblem Schedule

Craig Weisman
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2019


This status update breaks from the traditional weekly format to cover three critical announcements, BCGS will resume its traditional format in the next status update.

  1. January 4th, 2019 — The First
  2. Valentines Day
  3. Ethereum Hard Fork (important for miners running 0.8.4–8)

January 4th 2019 — The First Validator Free Chain-To-Chain Transaction.

On January 4th at 6:36PM Adam Kloboucnik wrote a BEAM Script NRG transaction which sent collateral NRG across the 5 genesis blockchains Bitcoin, Ethereum, Neo, Lisk, and Waves. His transaction was validated and picked up by Rovers running 0.8.4–8 and was successfully added to mulitchain. On that day Adam became the first individual on earth to successfully execute an interoperable multichain transaction and move value between chains without a government, bank, website, or centralization of any kind.

We cannot accurately convey the level excitement that followed — like the contributor messages in locked away in the Genesis Block — immutable proof that the distance between chains and people just became “0”. The engineers and team will think of a way to share in the excitement and celebrate with the launch fo 0.8.5 because the positive energy was a reward well worth sharing.

Looking at the negative sentiment of 2018 and some of the people who doubted all value could only be exchanged through central authority. Wisdom from the late Satoshi Nakamoto comes to mind.

“A lot of people automatically dismiss e-currency as a lost cause because of all the companies that failed since the 1990’s. I hope it’s obvious it was only the centrally controlled nature of those systems that doomed them. I think this is the first time we’re trying a decentralized, non-trust-based system.”

February 14th, 2019 — This Valentines Day Emblems Are In The Air

Giving flowers a run for their money (and money a run for its relevance) Emblems will be immutably and irreversibly distributed from the Before Target multiverse to the Ethereum blockchain addresses of the contributors. That’s right, we are just going to push through the Ethereum situation to deliver the Emblems separately from the Borderless AT launch. For the detail oriented, we need to patch the ARC block to reflect the change. And, yes, if Emblems are integrated with a secure exchange, they will be able to be sent to the exchange.

February 27th, 2019 — Ethereum Constantinople Update

Before we dive into our response, let’s recap what has been happening with Ethereum. As an aside, we stay in very close contact with many blockchain founders — everything you are seeing around Ethereum dev team is completely false. Excellent team working under massive pressure.

  • Ethereum Constantinople upgrade has been delayed twice, once for a consensus failure in October and once for a safety concerns on January 15th.
  • Ethereum has announced that the new upgrade height for Constantinople will be February 27th, 2019 (approximately one month away).
  • Ethereum chain is currently split in two, 10–15% on a chain running the Constantinople update, (Eth Classic-Classic).
  • Ethereum is including in the Constantinople upgrade additional protocol level changes that delays its transition to proof-of-stake. While this may mean Ethereum has not found a solution, it also gives Block Collider an opportunity to supportively purpose a solution.
  • Ethereum’s transition to a different consensus protocol; Proof of Stake.
  • If Ethereum does not upgrade as planned, Block Collider will have to execute a hard fork, and/or patch, to maintain the resulting Ethereum chain in the ecosystem.

With these events in mind, Block Collider would have to hard fork at a minimum 1 and more likely 3 times in reaction to the Ethereum team. And although Block Collider would ultimately resolves the consensus of the rovers on Ethereum trades between the possible forks, they are at risk of manipulation.

What are the implications of running Block Collider AT (the version Adam used) now?

  • Borderless can’t be rolled back as it would result in broken trades irreversible by design which occur during or after hard forks. UNLESS we reprioritize the dynamic addition of new chains from 2 years out to next month. This governance model for adding or removing new chains is based on votes weighted by Emblem balances until Overline Regional and the transition to the Olympia Arbiters Senate is complete.


We are going to split the development team up.

  • Team A is going to implement a temporary governance mechanism to the ultimate one we are implementing for Overline Regional. This one is based entirely on voting with each vote counting as 1 Emblem.
  • Team B is going to write a patch that lets the ARC block release Emblems on February 14th. If you are in the United States or Europe for the first 15 people who fill out this form we will mail you flowers and the elusive physical Forged Emblem. Happy No-Validator Valentines!

FINALLY. Over the next 30 days, starting THIS MONDAY the core team will be heading into the Block Collider Advanced chat group to provide cover one unseen new functionality of BEAM Block Collider’s scripting language and how to leverage it and control time, applications, and the transfer value across blockchains.

As with everything we have done — even masked in this email — there is deeper meaning and more information.

Freedom through cryptography,
Block Collider Core

As always the best way to stay up to date is on the Telegram group or by following the Twitter. If you want to be even closer, we are hiring. The BCGS updates will never be a company diary or other form of dry content commonly associated with newsletters — it is mission critical updates only.

