BCGS #7 — “Emblem Utility Economics” (12/24/18)

Craig Weisman
Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2018


At the time of this email, Block Collider’s multichain is at block height 1,792,780. We are no longer counting in months or weeks we are mere days from After Target. The team has been working tirelessly to take us beyond the Before Target period and that mission is almost at an end.

This email is #7 in the Block Collider Global State series. As always, each email is broken into three sections: Performance Metrics, Next, and The 6th Blockchain.

Performance Metrics

Of the eight founding members of Block Collider, six (75%) have degrees in Economics. With 2.5% of degrees being in Economics (, Block Collider has 30x what would be expected from an average sample. Economic theory is critical to Block Collider, woven deeply into the ecosystem. This performance update breaks down the widgets and implications of the Mesoeconomic model of Block Collider, studying the numbers behind the theory of “Emblem Utility Economics from 2000–2050 A.D.”

In the 1980s academics argued that policy as pertains to the influence of global economics on state level actors created “borderless” game theoretic situations which warranted a new field of study called Mesoeconomics. This field would operate as an in-between for the macro and micro fields of economics, specifically focuses on Volatility, Regulated Trade, Remittances, Non-linear Dynamics (information flow), and Game Theory — sound blockchain-esque?

Like national fiat is the ‘coin’ of macro-micro policy, Emblems are the ‘coin’ of Mesoeconomic policy. These Emblems should provide automatic exposure to their owners regarding businesses that deal in aforementioned meso topics (Volatility, Regulated Trade, Remittances etc…) in an applied sense lets look at Emblems in terms of Miners, Traders, and Consumers (Overline).

  • Emblem Demand from Miners: Miners are faced with increasing Proof Of Distance difficulty, R&D competition from other miner, and deflationary scarcity of the reward (NRG). To grow their operation, miners who own Emblems get more NRG per unit of electric spent. This would be like telling a gold miner that not only do they own the land of the mine they are mining in, but they own a piece of the land of all miners. Looking at this through the lense of designing Emblems to work both now and in 2050 A.D., we can see similarities in early agrarian economies where Emblem Owners (then ‘Lords & Ladies’) have significant influence over the political environment. Emblem owners will define the future culture of Block Collider (yes protocols have cultures, like companies). This is why Block Collider itself never used marketing to get ‘weak-handed’ users but instead focused on the word-of-mouth academically minded users and the intellectual extremism found in Evangelists.
  • Emblem Demand from Traders: Market forces impact miner incentives, but more importantly traders represent a point-in-time preference change in value BTC->ETH, EMB<-RMB, etc. The preference changes are functionally in shorter time horizons than the miner’s time horizon, preventing the miners from responding to short term events to heavy demand such as heavy fees. During a short term event of conducting a trade and executing on this preference, the trader must collateralize a portion of NRG, locking it up for the trade cycle. This means that unlike regular preference changes or decisions impacting a singular pair, such as BTC-USDT or ETH-NEO, NRG is locked up for all decisions in all pairs. This puts downward pressure on the available supply of NRG and makes the amount of NRG locked up a total global volatility indicator. As the period becomes more volatile miners can capture lucrative NRG pairs by purchasing Emblems to earn more NRG. This is capped by a 100 block ‘cool off’ period which translates to Emblems being the first fully decentralized utility function of Volatility.
  • Emblem Demand from Consumers: Overline (prev. Project Spectrum) is the public facing product of Block Collider. If Block Collider is the highly technical ‘TCP” of the literal internet, Overline is the consumer facing computer, which abstracts the user from this technology. More importantly, the computer can self-educate the adopting user; you can study computers by searching the internet for computers. Overline is how transaction mining takes place and is protecting our ‘underdogs win’ philosophy against centralization. This protection makes Block Collider accessible to the entire planet. More than two years in the making, Overline is the final component of the Mesoeconomic model of Emblems. We look forward to sharing it.

In conclusion, we looked at a few of the significant forces that drive Emblems into the future and more importantly shared how Emblems can be utilized to capture the Mesoeconomic value streams in the coming convergence of communication and trade.


  • Block 1.8 million will be mined by our community.
  • 14 days following block 1.8 million, miners must stop operations and prepare to migrate to 0.8.5. Remember, mining after those 14 days with a sub-0.8.5 miner will yield no NRG reward.
  • 0.8.5 will be released and the ARC Block will be broadcast to the network.

The 6th Blockchain

It’s XRP the database! It’s not, nor vslice, nor ZeroCoin.

Freedom Through Cryptography,
Block Collider Core

P.s. Merry Christmas and if you are reading or will one day read this Satoshi, we hope you are also gathered with your friends and family around a brightly lit Merkle Tree.

As always the best way to stay up to date is on the Telegram group or by following the Twitter. If you want to be even closer, we are hiring. The BCGS updates will never be a company diary or other form of dry content commonly associated with newsletters — it is mission critical updates only.

