Developer Update IV

Patrick McConlogue
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2019

Watch the recap video of the first trade full screen:


  • The SDK and market maker program will be released first.
  • After the security audits in mid-October Block Collider will release the fixed timeline.
  • Mining will come before Borderless. Miners will earn more NRG based on the Emblem balance of their address.
  • Emblem liquidity will start on Borderless.
  • Follow


All primary public trades have been conducted Borderless. The Block Collider team is grateful for the participation of the historic first traders who all successfully conducted trades on major pairs.

Borderless is the flagship exchange for multichain collateralized trades. It is both a project and template for creating multichain exchanges. Unlike atomic trades it supports:

  • Partial orders.
  • Spot rate settlements in < 10 seconds.
  • Chain agnostic.
  • No oracles, relays, validators.
  • No front running or price cartels.
  • All trades are anonymous by default.
  • No deposit or withdrawal limits.

Learn more about Borderless

Mining & After Target

Block Collider AT mining before the Borderless user interface is released. Developers and other decentralized exchanges can start submitting trades using the SDK or RPC interface directly. Miners will not be wasting work, ever. If a critical failure occurs, all NRG mined before the block where the error occurred will be updated as balances in the ARC block.

Difference between Before Target & After Target

The NRG mined from 1.8 million blocks in the before target period or 28.8 million NRG has been loaded to addresses in the ARC block. After target is the complete version one of the Block Collider protocol. Miners mining to addresses with EMB will receive additional NRG. NRG is sendable. And the full implementation of the multichain scripting language is incorporated. There is also no multiverse hosting main state, all nodes must sync the Block Collier multichain with other peers.

Learn more about NRG mining.

Welcome Maker DAI

DAI, a USD 1x1 stable coin, will be available day one on Borderless for all pairs. Last year we began discussions with the Maker team to create a multi-asset DAI backed by multiple crypto assets. Efforts on this project will resume after Borderless is available. No DAI, this is not the 6th hidden blockchain coming to Block Collider.

Olympia Invitational Summit

The most difficult Evangelist event is currently set to be held in mid-November. There will be a cost to attend. For the security of the team and contestants the location is secret, however, should you solve the challenge of finding and purchasing a ticket and were subsequently unable to solve the clues to the location of the event the cryptocurrency contributed will be refunded. 2018 Evangelist event winners will receive the hints 24hrs early. Not all Evangelists are as they appear. There are a limited number of tickets. Overline will be privately demonstrated to the winning contestants.

Read more about the Evangelists.

Borderless Markets Telegram Group

Borderless Markets & Basecamp

A new unadministered group where all discussions are permitted has been created on Telegram. The goal is to create an open space to discuss all digital assets operating on all decentralized exchanges operating on Block Collider. This will be the new traders chat, the only rule is no discussions related to OTC of any asset. Public invitation to the group will be available soon.

Block Collider Basecamp which is the gear and equipment store will be going live to the public soon. Previously only for Evangelists the store has worldwide shipping to most major destinations and includes all the necessary equipment to show dedication to the mission.

Schedule & Audits

In early October 2019 engineers working in Block Collider core will be flying to the US to conduct a 10 day in depth sprint through the codebase. Once this is complete we will engage the security audit vendors to review the AT mining base. By mid October 20th the team will release a fixed timeline.

Launch Strategy

  • The SDK will begin first to allow people building market making tools, NRG mining pools, and programmatic trading bots to test their products.
  • Once the security audits are complete, mining mainnet Block Collider will begin. The difficulty will get high enough to secure the multichain. Unlike the BT mining period in 2018 Miners will receive NRG based on the amount of Emblems they own.
  • Borderless will be released and EMB liquidity unlocked.
  • Overline.


Team members will be monitoring / attending technical events at Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, and MIT. To arrange a meeting contact us at hello[at] You must be an undergraduate in the graduating class or be willing to take a sabbatical of 1 year. This is the last chance to be a part of the biggest secret shift in global finance since Satoshi Nakamoto.

Best regards,

Block Collider Core

Follow the Twitter channel for the most update to date news or join 3000+ members on the new EMB Nation.

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