Welcome to Block Collider’s Testnet Borderless

Arjun Raj Jain
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2018

BORDERLESS is a first of its kind, truly decentralized exchange that enables you to trade and lease Emblems as well as purchase vanity mining addresses. Miners use Emblems or Leased Emblems (L-EMB) to increase the number of transactions that can be stored in a block and earn a larger NRG grant. Owning certain vanity mining addresses minimizes your trading fees. This is an expression of freedom through cryptography. This is BORDERLESS.

In this post, we will be sharing with you the process of using Borderless.

Requesting Testnet EMB/ETH

In order to begin experimenting with Borderless, please go to https://goo.gl/forms/yTny2A9oPu18gER22 and fill out the form to receive Testnet EMB (this is required as we are not using anyone’s live Emblem balances to experiment with Borderless). To receive Ropsten ETH go to https://faucet.metamask.io/ or https://faucet.ropsten.be/. Remember that you will need ETH to submit transactions on the Borderless BT Exchange.

Downloading Borderless

After requesting the Testnet EMB, please head to http://borderless-test.blockcollider.org/ and click on the icon of the OS on which you will be running Borderless. Once it has downloaded, you may receive an error, please ignore this and proceed to unzip the file. Once unzipped, right click on the application and click on open.

Uploading your Wallet

In order to use Borderless, you will have to upload a BSEC Wallet that will then get saved in your local storage. In case you do not have a wallet please download the wallet generator at https://portal.blockcollider.org/blockcollider-wallet-generator.zip. You will proceed to unzip this and open up index.html to create a wallet. When you upload your wallet, you will be instructed to encrypt your private key using AES 256 with a password of your choosing.

Each time you submit a transaction on Borderless, you will be instructed to retype your password to decrypt your private key so that your transaction can be signed with your private key and sent to ETH Network.

Overall Layout

On the upper right hand side of the page, you will be able to click on links to view your trading history, view global & personal balances, log out by removing your wallet from local storage, and toggle the helper notifications.

Below the header you will be able to switch from the various exchanges, EMB vs ETH, Vanity Addresses, New Leases, and Leased EMB (L-EMB) vs ETH.

On the left hand side of the page you will be able to place Buy/Sell Orders for the specific exchange. Below, you will be able to view the assets (L-EMB and Vanities) that you have acquired on Borderless.

L-EMB are ERC-721 representations of EMB that have been leased out. Under the Tradeable section, if you click on a certain L-EMB you will be able to associate the respective amount of EMB to your wallet. This will help you earn a larger grant of NRG for each block that you mine, however these L-EMB will not be able to be transferred to any other wallet.

Under the “Mining” section you will be able to view the current amount of L-EMB you have used to associate EMB to your wallet. Under the “Leased Out” section you will be able to view the EMB that you have sold as leases and once the expiry date passed, you will be able to click on them to reacquire the respective amount of EMB.

On the main page you will be able to view the current state of the Order Book and your Open Orders.


This exchange allows you to buy and sell EMB for ETH. Placing a buy order will first fulfill sell orders that are cheaper than that of your set price and then place a limit buy order at the given price. Placing a sell order will first fulfill buy orders that are more expensive than that of your set price and then place a limit sell order at the given price.


Vanity Addresses will provide new functionality including, but not limited to, minimized trading fees. Simply type in the vanity address that you would like to acquire and then click on Check Availability. If the address is available, then you will be able to purchase it for 100 EMB, otherwise you can place a Buy order for the respective Vanity at an ETH price of your choosing. Once you have acquired a Vanity Address you may sell it at a price of your choosing.

New Leases

Given some holders of EMB will not have the necessary hardware requirements to be an efficient miner, leases possess a mechanism for holders to hand out their EMB to those who own strong mining equipment and wish to increase their efficiency by possessing more EMB. Placing a buy order will first fulfill sell orders that are cheaper than that of your set price and then place a limit buy order at the given price. Placing a sell order will first fulfill buy orders that are more expensive than that of your set price and then place a limit sell order at the given price.


Once you have acquired L-EMB, you may place sell orders to auction off an amount of that respective L-EMB. Buyers, may then acquire those L-EMB for existing auction orders up to the amount that this being auctioned.

AT Exchange

We wanted to give the community a preview of what interacting with Borderless will look like. In the future the pairs for BTC, NEO, WAVES, and LISK will be added, which will include the anticipated cross-chain functionality. Lookout for more information on this and in the meantime please provide feedback/bugs/questions for Borderless at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKEzpMmA6mZXCRP2C4nUoLQP3hh43oJ6dpXjU8PC-fY-sj4g/viewform.

Freedom through Cryptography,

Block Collider Core Team

