Deploying an Ink Smart Contract to a Substrate Chain

Testing, compiling and deploying Ink contracts, and how to call functions with Polkadot JS

Ross Bulat
The Block Journal


Development around Parity’s Substrate blockchain framework is well underway, with the ability to deploy Ink based smart contracts now available — albeit in an early stage. This article will walk through the compiling and deployment process for an Ink smart contract, before visiting the means of calling contract functions through the Polkadot JS client.

This is the final part in a 3-part series exploring the Ink smart contract creation process in conjunction with Substrate blockchains, from installation to deployment. The previous article, dedicated to the Ink contract writing process, can be found here:

The Non-fungible token smart contract we’re working with is available in full here on Github.

Testing Ink Contracts

Testing an Ink smart contract can (and should) be done both off-chain and on-chain. The prior can be done via a…



Ross Bulat
The Block Journal

Programmer and Author. @ Parity Technologies, JKRB Investments