An #AskBlockone Response on What’s Required to Be a Block Producer
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1 min readJun 20, 2018

We’ve been asked via #AskBlockone about Block Producers and what credentials they need. Here are some thoughts from our Developer Relations team.

@macdbedstuy asked #AskBlockone: Do blockchain producers need to have a tech/programming background, or can other types of people with non-tech backgrounds become block producers?

Thanks for your question, @macdbedstuy. Working with blockchain technology will always require some amount of technical capability. is developing open-source software for the EOSIO platform, but has been clear from the outset that it is not responsible for configuring or launching any public blockchain adopting the software. That will be done by the Block Producers. Therefore, to gain an understanding of the technical credentials for running the blockchain, we would recommend reviewing the community resources that have discussed the topic, and also the extensive GitHub documentation about the EOSIO platform. There will certainly be roles for non-technical community members in the EOSIO ecosystem, but block producing is a fairly technical and involved responsibility. You can learn more about Block Producers in this video:

-Blockchain Development team

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