Comparing Distributed Ledgers by Game of Thrones use case — BigchainDB

Paul Plessing
3 min readSep 20, 2019


This is the fourth part of our series “Comparing Distributed Ledgers by Game of Thrones Use Case”. To find out more about the series and the other articles of it, check out our intro article!

BigchainDB calls itself the blockchain database. On their website they state:

With high throughput, low latency, powerful query functionality, decentralized control, immutable data storage and built-in asset support, BigchainDB is like a database with blockchain characteristics.

So what is BigchainDB actually?

BigchainDB is a database that stores data decentrally in tables using crypto qualities. That way, data can’t be lost easily or manipulated, but it can be queried fast like in a typical database. It is not a not blockchain where you can implement logic like the well known smart contracts on, nor is it a decentralized file storage like IPFS. It is an additional part in any development stack as can be seen on their wonderful picture:

Illustration by BigchainDB

To implement an application, one still needs a processing layer and a platform layer, and they can then be connected to BigchainDB. However, what you can do in BigchainDB natively, is creating assets, divisible and non-divisible. Although we didn’t look much into it, the Role-based access control supported by BigchainDB is very neat.

To see the source code of our implementation, head over to our GitHub.

Technical overview

How do they accomplish the task of storing a common agreed on state across
nodes in tables?
They do this by utilizing Tendermint for BigchainDB’s blockchain characteristics. Tendermint is an open source blockchain that uses Tendermint Core as the consensus engine and Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) as the api between an application written in any programming language and the Tendermint blockchain. For the database part, BigchainDB uses MongoDB.

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

Basically, on one end there is Tendermint for the distribution of canonically ordered transactions between nodes, there is MongoDB for storing the shared state in tables on the other end, and BigchainDB in the middle for coordinating everything.


We used the javascript library of BigchainDB. The realization of a sample program as described on their official website, was harder than expected. The downloaded npm module was somehow not the latest stable release, and didn’t work as expected. Fortunately, the guys from BigchainDB’s gitter responded fast (thanks to Troy McConaghy @ttmc), and told us to specify a stable release version when downloading the module.

Second issue was that in order to generate a ‘Ed25519Keypair’ some file had to be changed according to a GitHub issues. But once that was done, we were ready to go. Our game of thrones use case was again just modeling two alliances, Khalessi and Cercei, assign them different families, and transfer the membership of the families between the alliances. The syntax of creating transactions has to be followed, other than that there were not many things to watch out for.

Coding with BigchainDB is straight forward, no bad surprises. Writing and reading to the testnet is fast and works well. To test our code, we used the node testing framework mocha.js and the node assertion library chai.js.

Pros and Cons


  • An actual database that is decentrally stored (not file storage like IPFS or a mishmash of transactions)
  • Easy to code
  • Fast querying
  • An addition to a any development stack


  • Not sure how connection of BigchainDB to decentral development stack would look like
  • “Just” a database, therefore no smart contracts or any custom logic

Special thanks for helping us to @ttmc of BigchainDB’s gitter chat!

Block42 is a blockchain solution provider developing applications on top of most recognized blockchain frameworks like Ethereum, Hyperledger, BigchainDB and many more.

