ICON tools — LICX Update #4

Jaz Inda
3 min readMay 25, 2020

To provide transparency on our progress we decided to provide a bi-weekly update on the LICX progress. Here is what we accomplished in the third sprint of LICX development.


LICX is a token that represents staked ICX this way users can transfer ICX to another wallet while still receiving the rewards for staking. This week we have focused on frontend development and redesigning some SCORE parts to make it more scalable and less vulnerable. You can read the previous bi-weekly update here.
Tasks that we have completed in this sprint:

  • Testing
  • Redesigned some SCORE parts
  • Frontend implementation and automatic script deploying
The currently deployed version of the web application


Testing is a really important part of any development project as unexpected obstacles might prevent a certain part of the project to be implemented as intended. The solutions to these obstacles should be implemented as a workaround on top of the work that was already done so that the progress already made in the project is not lost.

Redesigned some SCORE parts

After some extensive testing we needed to redesign some SCORE parts so that we can improve the scalability and the security of the LICX. This includes how the mapping of the wallets should be implemented, joining the pool and distribution of the rewards logic, and improving the user experience while exchanging the ICX for LICX or vice versa based on the reward distribution of ICX.

Frontend implementation and automatic script deploying

As SCORE gets more developed we need to implement its functions to the web application, this is done via frontend development. We have created a deployment script so that every new frontend commit on the master branch is automatically deployed.

What’s next?

After each bi-weekly sprint, we also discuss what the next steps should be. We will be reporting them in the reports as well so that the community can follow what we intend to accomplish.

  • Mapping of the wallets — To increase the scalability of LICX we need to do a mapping of the wallets that will be separated into batches, that will allow the SCORE to do a separate transaction for each batch which will increase the number of users that can be joined without having scalability issues.
  • Distribution of the rewards — We will start implementing how the distribution of rewards should happen. This is important to be done in a proper way so that rewards are distributed accurately and that each user gets the exact amount of rewards their deposited ICX in the pool created.
  • Display LICX and ICX balance — We want the users to be able to see their ICX and LICX balance in our web application once they connect their wallet. This will allow a much better overview of the status and will allow them to make better-informed decisions when exchanging between ICX and LICX.
  • Testing — After every SCORE implementation we want to do more testing, once we implement mapping of the wallets as well as the distribution of the rewards, we want to see if everything is working as intended.

If you have any questions join our telegram group we will gladly answer them.

About block42
At block42 we invest in the most promising crypto ecosystems and help them secure their networks. We provide consulting and development services on top of those protocols to bring adoption and to co-create a decentralised future.

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