5 Web3 Jobs You Should Know in 2022.

Abimbola Abe
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2022

You are likely reading this because you have heard about Web3. You have been contemplating if this is the right path for you, and if so, how can you become involved?

Web3 is the next big thing in the tech world. It will be used to revolutionize the way we work and live. Blockchain technology will become an integral part of our lives and it’s just a matter of time before we start seeing its benefits.

You’re early!

The demand for people with skills in this field is expected to rise exponentially in the coming years.

The best time to start is NOW!

So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, here are 10 web3 jobs that you should know about in 2022:

  1. Blockchain Developer: A blockchain developer is a person who builds decentralized applications for various platforms like Ethereum. They also work on designing and implementing smart contract functionality as well as developing decentralized governance systems. They have a deep understanding of cryptography and computer science principles like data structures, networking protocols, and algorithms.

2. Blockchain Engineer: To construct decentralized applications or dApps, Blockchain Software Developers utilize the protocols created by Blockchain Core Developers. This skill is comparable to how a conventional web developer uses the protocols and design framework established by a core web architect to build web applications.

In other words, a dApp developer builds decentralized applications using existing tools by developing and deploying smart contracts on the blockchain.

To become a Blockchain Developer, you should know Solidity and Rust.

3. Web3 UI/UX Designer: Design rules for blockchain-based products are identical to those for all other products. Nevertheless, there is an issue. To make blockchain understandable to non-technical individuals, you should adhere to the KISS principle: keep it simple, and ensure that it works and is adaptable. As a Web3 UI/UX Designer, you will work with programmers on how to broaden your product’s reach.

4. Community Manager: Web3 thrives on community!
Although many people believe that community managers are only responsible for replying to messages on the Discord server and making announcements, this is not the case. The community manager of a DAO, NFT, or web3 startup is responsible for fostering trust and collaboration within the project’s community. To be a project leader, you must establish the pace, debunk project myths, give customer assistance, and represent the project. Community management is a non-technical role in the web3 space.

5. Most web3 builders are developers looking to improve the technology’s capabilities. Marketing experts that can help spread the word and devise tactics for bringing in new clients are in high demand for Web 3 products.


Blockchain technology is a revolutionary invention that has the potential to change the world as we know it. It has already disrupted many industries and will continue to do so in the future.

There are no boxes in Web3.

As a fairly new industry, everyone is still trying to figure it all out, including the skills needed. All you need to do is, find a problem or lack in the system and proffer a solution.

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Abimbola Abe
Writer for

Documenting my transition Journey into Web3 || Web3 enthusiast and digital marketer. Experienced community manager and writer.