NFT Series

Alchemy SDK — NFT APIs

An overview of NFT APIs supported by Alchemy SDK

Chikku George


In the context of this article, we will walk through the NFT APIs provided by the Alchemy SDK.


Alchemy is a web3 development platform used to build decentralized applications.

Alchemy SDK

Alchemy SDK is one of the most popular tools provided by Alchemy to make the process of interfacing Blockchain with ease. It allows us to create and deploy smart contracts also offers APIs for fetching information about NFTs.

Step 1: Create an Alchemy account

Alchemy provides a free trail account that developers can use to develop and test their applications. Create a demo app in Alchemy on your preferred network and copy your API key.

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Step 2: Set Alchemy API key in .env file


Step 3: Setup Your NodeJS Server

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Step 4: Install “alchemy-sdk” dependency

npm install alchemy-sdk

Step 5: Configure Alchemy SDK

const { Alchemy, Network } = require(“alchemy-sdk”)
const { ALCHEMY_API_KEY } = process.env;
const settings = {
network: Network.MATIC_MUMBAI
const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings);
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NFT API Endpoints

1. getNftsForOwner()

This method is used to get all NFTs owned by a given address.

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Credit: Author

2. getOwnersForContract()

This method is used to get all owners of a given NFT contract address.

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Credit: Author

3. getNFTMetadata

This method is used to get all the metadata associated with an NFT. We need to pass the contract address and token Id of the NFT.

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Credit: Author

4. getContractMetadata

This method is used to get information about a collection/contract.

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Credit: Author

5. getNFTsForContract

This method is used to get all the NFTs of a given contract.

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Credit: Author

6. getOwnersForContract

This method is used to get all owners of a given NFT contract.

Credit: Author
Credit: Author

Thank You:)


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Chikku George
Writer for

Software Engineer | ReactJs | NodeJs | Blockchain Enthusiast