Blockchain Technology’s Effect on Auditing

Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2022

Blockchain technology records the data of a digital ledger in a secure network. It is a distributed ledger that has been peer-to-peer across the Internet since it was first created. Each user of the shared database, whether an individual or a company, is a “node” connected to the blockchain, maintaining a duplicate copy of the ledger. Every transaction recorded represents the exchange of values between the parties. Many different kinds of blockchains are being created and tested in the real world. However, this common foundation and methodology are popularly in use.

Every node in the network communicates with every other node to ensure that the new transaction is valid whenever one participant wishes to send value to another. In the Consensus Algorithm, the ledger is often updated with a “block” that contains several transactions. Since each block contains information that refers to earlier blocks, the distributed identical copies of all the blocks create a chain. Time-stamped transactions can be added by participating nodes, but after they have been verified and approved by the network, they cannot be changed or removed.

Advantages of Blockchain Technology

Its distributed nature is one of its main advantages. The exchange of value among two or more parties in today’s capital markets typically calls for centralized processors. By acting as an intermediary, these processors lower the counterparty risk for each party while concentrating the credit risk with themselves. The participants to transactions rely on these centralized processors to carry out transactions accurately and securely; each of these processors keeps its own distinct ledger. The transaction processors are paid for providing this service. Alternatively, a blockchain enables users to transact directly with one another through a single distributed ledger, doing away with the need for centralized transaction processors.

The Audit of Financial Statements and Blockchain Technology

Financial Statement Auditing

The general public expects CPA auditors to increase credibility in the audited data of the organizations they audit and support a multi-billion dollar capital markets system. CPA auditors are autonomous of the organizations they audit and operate in accordance with tight rules, occupational codes of conduct, and auditing norms. They employ impartiality and professional skepticism to offer assurance on the existence of major misstatements in an organization’s financial statements and, based on the engagement, regarding the efficiency of an organization’s internal controls over financial reporting.

How Blockchain Could perhaps Change Audit?

Blockchain technology has a chance to simplify financial reporting and auditing procedures in spite of these difficulties. A CPA auditor is currently given supporting spreadsheet files, electronic and manual account reconciliations, trial balances, journal entries, and sub-ledger extracts. Every audit starts with a different set of data and plans, thus a CPA auditor must spend a lot of time arranging each audit. Through read-only nodes on blockchains, the CPA auditor might have access to data in almost real-time in a blockchain environment. This might make it possible for an auditor to get the data they need for the audit in a dependable, repeatable format.

Accessing data in the blockchain is anticipated to be increasingly effective as more organizations and operations switch to blockchain solutions. It might be viable for a CPA auditor to build apps to routinely audit firms using the blockchain, for instance, if a major category of transactions for a sector is logged in a blockchain. The management and personnel of a business might no longer need to spend as much time or effort on manual data extraction and audit preparation tasks. One of the main critiques of financial reporting is the delay between the transaction and verification dates. Accelerating audit preparatory operations may assist shorten this gap. By allowing administration and auditors to concentrate on harder and more complicated transactions while carrying off standard auditing in almost real-time, minimizing time lag could present an opportunity to improve the productivity and performance of financial filing and auditing.

Auditors might use additional technology, insights, and machine-learning skills with blockchain-enabled digitalization, such as autonomously alerting appropriate parties about anomalous transactions on a nearly real-time basis. Contracts, agreements, purchase orders, and invoices, as well as other supporting documents, may be encrypted and securely stored or connected to a blockchain. The speed of financial reporting and auditing could be increased by giving CPA auditors access to irrefutable audit evidence.

Auditors will still need to use qualified judgment when examining statements and other judgments made by executives during the production of financial statements, even though the audit process may become increasingly comprehensive. They will also need to assess and test internal controls over the accuracy of all sources of pertinent financial information for areas that are automated.


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Hey, This is Pallav Raj an independentTechnology writer by Passion. Worked at Microsoft, Puma, Nike as a Copywriter and Content manager.