Friends and supporters of BTC #9: Ceo of Binance Changpeng Zhao

Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2022

I continue my review of influential people who support Bitcoin. Today I’m talking about Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance.

Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance

Born in China, CZ is the son of two parents both involved in the education sector. Changpeng’s father, a professor, ends up on the list of those considered “pro-bourgeois intellectuals” and is temporarily exiled shortly after the birth of his son. This is an unsustainable situation in the medium to long term and the entire family decide to emigrate to Vancouver, Canada, in the late 1980s to escape this condition. Life as an immigrant may not be simple and everyone’s help is needed to move forward in the best possible way. Changpeng, too, therefore takes some of his own and as a teenager, to increase income at home, he works in McDonald’s kitchens and works night shifts at a gas station, as well as a number of other small jobs. Jobs that go hand in hand with the university course of study that sees Changpeng up to the degree in Computer Science at McGill University in Montreal. The first job after graduation is at the Tokyo Stock Exchange with the development of software to match orders, after four years he becomes a developer at Bloomberg Tradebook until he returns to Shanghai in China in 2005. Upon returning, he founds his first company, Fusion Systems, focused on developing trading systems for brokers. In 2013, he sells his Shanghai home and invests all of the proceeds, about $ 1 million, in Bitcoin. He works closely with the so-called “Bitcoin Evangelists” Roger Ver and Ben Reeves. As of 2013, he has developed various cryptocurrency projects including and has also served as OKCoin’s Chief Technology Officer. CZ leaves OKCoin to set up his own cryptocurrency exchange in 2017. He co-founds Binance with Asian entrepreneur Yi He.


Today Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world and according to Forbes CZ has an estimated net worth of $ 17 billion. In April 2020 a user on Twitter asked this question: “How have Bitcoins changed your life?”. Among the answers that arrived there was also that of CZ: “No house, no car, no boat, no golf, no fiat money, new job, more fulfilling life”

The tweet of CZ

His opinion on Bitcoin has been known for some time, as well as his willingness to continue pushing the adoption of cryptocurrency, in order to ensure its sustainability for both investors and the entire ecosystem. You can find many statements by CZ in favor of Bitcoin, but the one that I think embodies his philosophy is the one he tweeted in June 2022.

The tweet of CZ on BTC

I always read CZ’s blog and admire him for his personality. Although he is very wealthy, he does not have a materialistic outlook on life and is a very humble person. He is certainly one of the people I respect most in the cryptocurrency and thanks to his leadership our sector is destined to achieve great goals.

Tell me if you want me to write an article about a particular person who in your opinion supports Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. Consider this space a place to talk without censorship.

A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.

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Disclaimer: Trading cryptocurrencies carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade cryptocurrency you should carefully consider your investment objectives and your level of experience. Do Your Own Research. All opinions expressed here are owned by the respective writer and should never be considered as financial advice in any form.





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