Hyperlane, Technology that made bridge infrastructure seamless connecting chain.

3 min readJul 4, 2024



Hyperlane is the first permissonless and universal interoperability framework build for modular blockchain stack. Hyperlane is we called GMP (General Messanging Protocol ) that allows communication between chain and one of their feature is facilitating in building bridge infrastructure that designed with modularity model, this also give the developers control over their security model, allowing them to configure, compose and customize security based of their needs. As the result this bring effectiveness in developer web 3 application.

Bridge? What is it?

In blockchain there’s infrastructure technology that we called “Bridge”, this infrastructure is build to connecting blockchain network. Blockchain infrastructure is crucial to make blockchain network fully operate, as one of them is bridge. Like it’s name bridge is bridging the blockchain network with each others and it’s help to user to interacting with both chains.

Bridge interaction example :

A user want to move one of his asset that available in Ethereum to polygon (Layer 2 network) so he will need bridge to moving his usdt polygon. Without bridge the asset cannot be move to another chain due the asset is available natively in Ethereum at this case.

Some features are offer by hyperlane :

- Warp routes : which allow native and ERC20 tokens to move across chains

- Interchain accounts : allows account on one chain to make smart contract calls and call it in remote chain.

- Interchain queries : allows account on one chain to make view calls and on remote chains.

By this hyperlane is allowed to deploy in any type of blockchain network, including Layer 1, rollups, and app chain. Unable them to communicate seamlessly with any other chain that hyperlane has been deployed.

Bridge effectiveness

The bridge that build on top of hyperlane, is hyperlane nexus that powered by mitosis and neutron. This bridge was one of the best bridge that I used interms of effectiveness and user friendly. This bridge facilitate moving asset across blockchain network :

  • Celestia
  • Arbitrum
  • Neutron
  • Manta
  • Injective
  • Ethereum
  • Viction

Personal Experience

This Bridge infrastructure that powered by Hyperlane, making a significant improvement over their performance to user, I have been using the one of Dapps that build on top of Hyperlane technology useNexus. This Dapps facilitate moving asset through 2 network and as I experiencing using this services, it actually great when moving my Tia asset from celestia network just took over 3 minutes to move and receive my asset to nexus network with low gas fees.

I hope this article help you to understand about the technology behind Hyperlane project, Thank you see you in next article!




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