
My Son wants to sell his Lego brick after hearing about NFT

Oluwaseun Ajayi
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2022


Hey friend, so I’ve been thinking about something yea?

Since we are more than an acquaintances, I would like to introduce myself properly and also get to know you.

My name is Oluwaseun Ajayi, I’m a product designer with deep interest in Web3, Gaming, Agriculture, and Health sectors.

I’m an African (Nigerian to be specific) living in diaspora, happily married to Patricia Ajayi and blessed with two beautiful kids. Damian (boy) and Ella (girl) who are 5 and 3 years old respectively.

Earlier this morning, I was watching the news with Damian while we waited for breakfast and they were talking about the billions of dollars generated from Grimes, Bored Ape and Nyan Cat NFT collections and I noticed my son adjust when he saw the Nyan Cat piece and at that point, I knew he was up to something.

He gave me that look and asked “Daddy what’s an NFT?”

I pondered for a minute and thought, how do I explain this in the simplest form possible. Voila, I saw this amazing abstract piece he made with his Lego bricks and I asked him to fetch that.

Then I started and said NFT simply means Non-Fungible Tokens, he gave me this look and said he still doesn’t understand.

That doesn’t make it any clearer right, sorry.

So, I said Non-Fungible means that you have something unique and only one of that thing, which means you can’t replace it with something else.

I said if we both exchanged our breakfast, we would have the same food right and nothing is gonna be unique about it? and he said yes, except for the size of my chicken compared to his (Lol).

I then asked, what if I exchanged my food for his Lego bricks, would we still have the same thing and he replied no. I asked him why so, and he said because he has my big chicken which is unique and that’s something he won’t naturally have access to on a normal day and I also have his Lego bricks, something not commonly found with adults (I know right).

At this point, I knew I deserved the World Best Daddy Award.

I then proceeded by telling him that I can digitize his Lego bricks using what we learnt about Smart Contracts and put it up for sale on the platforms that support such, like Opensea and it could be worth millions to someone who really likes it and wants it and the best part about it is that the person who bought it can resell it years to come for even more than it was originally purchased and I would still be getting part of the money which is called royalty fees.

Damian had this “waoooh” expression and said;

Daddy, like you mean people can buy my Lego bricks or my painting of you, mummy, me and Ella?

I replied, I don’t think anyone can stop you, so yes you can, with a smile and I’ve never seen my son that excited before.

So let’s recap, NFTs are digitized assets that are unique and one of a kind, however the owner can still retain copyright and reproduction rights. But only one person can own the original.

I don’t have further links to help you currently, as this just happened in our family time today and I decided to share. But I’ll be sure to get something for you as always my friend.

I hope you enjoyed meeting my family and you’ve also learnt one thing or the other. I trust I’ll be seeing you soon.

Weekends are bonding time with the family and I should be with them now.

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Oluwaseun Ajayi
Writer for

Product Designer — Game Designer. I specialize in designing and creating digital products and user experience.