NFTs Whitelisting — Ways to Make Money from NFTs Without Buying an NFT

Bio Francis
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2022

If you’ve been active on Twitter and other social media platforms, you should be familiar with NFTs and you’ve probably heard about NFTs whitelist but you don’t know how to get started. Well, in this article we’re going to break down what NFT whitelists are, how to get started and how you can make money from NFT whitelist.

What are NFTs

The word NFT stands for non-fungible tokens. Cryptocurrencies can be exchanged one for another because they are the same, that is, they are fungible. However, this is not the case with NFTs which are non-fungible tokens, meaning one cannot be easily exchanged for the other since they are not the same. NFTs are used to hold digital signatures, claim ownership of property, or most popularly, game utilities and avatars.

For example, when someone buys a piece of land on the metaverse, he or she is issued an NFT which is minted on the blockchain as a form of legal document that represents ownership of that particular piece of virtual land bought.

What is NFT Whitelist?

Generally, a whitelist is a term used in cybersecurity to describe an IP address, list of email addresses, applications giving special privileges, and access to members of the list to do a particular thing.

An NFT whitelist works in a similar way, only that those who win an NFT whitelist spot have their Metamask wallets, or since NFTs work mostly on the Ethereum blockchain, their Ethereum wallet addresses get whitelisted to mint the NFT before the public sale.

Depending on the project, whitelist spots give members the privilege to mint at a lower price and earlier before the public sale.

How to get NFT Whitelist spot?

There are several methods to get a whitelist spot but it usually depends on the project and the rules set in place. However, here are a few steps to get the NFT whitelist spot.

1. Get an early project

The first and probably most important step in getting a whitelist spot is getting in on the project early. Being among the early community of a project gives a better chance of getting whitelisted. There are a few tools that can help you find NFT projects early, such as Google Trends, Twitter, Instagram or websites that list upcoming NFT projects like rarity. tools

2. Join their Discord community

Discord communities are like the goldmine of NFT whitelisting. Discord is a social platform mostly used by gaming projects and NFT projects with servers where members can interact and participate in several activities. Most NFT projects have their discord server links in their Twitter bio so you can gain access.

3. Check the Announcement channel

Once in the discord server, you can check for several channels like announcements to see the project’s instructions to get whitelisted. But you must first get verified to join the discord server fully, once verified you can participate in various activities on the server. Some projects may have the steps to get whitelisted on the “how to get wl” channel.

4. Start Grinding

Grinding is a term used to describe the various activities you do on the server to get whitelisted. This could range from being active in the community, chatting frequently, playing in-house games, or getting new invites to the server. The goal is to get well known on the server so you can be selected for the whitelist.

5. Be Natural

Grinding to get whitelisted doesn’t mean you have to start sounding so salesy. In my experience, it is easier to get noticed by the community and get whitelisted if you engage like you’re freely interacting and trying to get to form relationships in the community through engaging and helping members of the community.

Note: You have to take note and be careful of scammers. These can be quite common on discord servers. Be mindful of private DMs promising assurance of whitelist spots or links to mint for lesser fees.

How to Make money from NFTs Whitelist

  1. Become a Grinder

There are investors who hire people to help them interact in discord servers of desired projects in order to get whitelist spots for them. As an NFT Whitelist grinder, you can get hired by investors to help them get a number of whitelist spots and get paid for each successful whitelist spot. Some of these clients can be found on marketplaces like

P.S: you can get started on Upwork and learn tricks and tips on how to get NFT grinding jobs like these and get paid handsomely. Send a message to to learn how you can get started

2. Sell NFT whitelist spots

This works in the same line as being an NFT grinder, only, in this case, you can work independently to get whitelist spots and sell them to the highest bidder. You won’t believe that there are a lot of clients who are willing to pay to get WL spots.

Making thousands of dollars from NFTs can be quite easy and you don’t need to spend any money. You only need to know how and learn the tricks to it.

Happy Grinding!

About the author

Bio Francis is a blockchain writer, content writer, and social media manager for blockchain projects with several years of experience and understanding of the blockchain industry.

She is a freelancer on Upwork with a passion for educating her community about understanding blockchain technology and the benefits that come with the blockchain industry.

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Bio Francis
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Digital Marketer| Freelancer| Social Media Manager| Crypto Enthusiast| I love to write about Blockchain, Web 3, Cryptocurrency and Online Business growth.