12 Reasons why The Plague NFT is Amazing. The Best PFP Project in 2022?

Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2022

What is The Plague NFT?

The Plague NFT is a bunch of NFT frogs plaguing the NFT space they said. It’s a generative NFT frog PFP project with 11,300 frogs in supply. There are 1,300 OG/genesis frogs and 10,000 warrior frogs.

Yes, it’s just like most other projects, it’s just a bunch of JPEG in an NFT form, although as I learn more about this project they have a clear vision, “the Frogs, are simply expecting the equality of opportunity.” How? Through decentralization of opportunity! That’s what catches my interest to do my indepth DYOR on this project.

Reasons why this Project is Amazing?

I know this project from our Community Manager in our Web3 project (Checkout: Playfix). We listed some of the projects to add up to our wallet. The Plague NFT is one of them, we tweeted to ask the opinion of the community. The response of this community is amazing

Playfix Tweet

This makes me curious to know more about the project. I did some research and would like to share what I found in this post. Here are why I think The Plague NFT is amazing and might be the best projects of 2022, 10 reasons of it!

Best NFT Community with Meme
  1. Best NFT Community with Meme: The meme game in this community is very strong. For a project that is still less than 3 months old.
  2. Twitter Community is too strong: Them frogs are so supportive. For a project that is still less than 3 months old. As of I write this on June the 3rd 2022, they already have 31K followers on Twitter.
  3. A founder that Cares: Most projects just generate hype before mint. Some weeks after mint, price tanks. After the hype is gone and no one going to buy their nft what they will do? They died. The Plague NFT community is lucky to have a founder that knows and cares about the community by having a roadmap that provides utility to the NFT and having a clear vision ahead of the project.
  4. The founder that cares about the project, not the money: Da Pons Asinorum the founder will not get paid until the secondary sales kick in. He will not get paid on the genesis/OG mint only getting 10% of the warrior mint. Plus, 1 OG/genesis mint!
  5. A project that cares about others: Money generated from the mint is also allocated to help someone that is struggling and for the education of the artist.
  6. Opportunity to make friends: If you want to make friends and gain followers, having The Plague NFT is the thing you should consider. The community is awesome.
  7. They give the opportunity to the small guy: Setting up low prices to enter the community with a low mint price. OG Mint only cost 0.05 ETH and army mint will cost equal to $100.
  8. Transparency across the community: Not many NFT projects are transparent about secondary sales royalty and distribution. The Plague NFT has been transparent by stating that they will get 10% royalty.
  9. Innovation and Brand Building: Will always innovate, going to launch token and web3 gaming.
  10. Partnerships: Expand strategic partnership. So far had partnered with MegaWeapon a Kill2Earn game!
  11. Against and will fight corruption: With a lot of scam projects in the web3 space. The Plague NFT will form a committee in their community to bust scam & rug pull projects, creating awareness by educating the community which is a potential red flag. They will have the SIMP process (Scam, Identification, and Mitigation Process.
  12. More than Just A JPEG: The JPEG that bought is not just a JPEG. It’s the access to decentralization. The Plague NFT will have these pillars:
  • Decentralization of Informations
  • Decentralization of Communications
  • Decentralization of Influence
  • Decentralization of Power
  • Decentralizing opportunities


  • Will make incubators for the frogs through frog tanks. Any frogs in the community having great web3-based ideas can propose to get the resources they need. Also will find any web2-based project to be transformed into web 3 and owned by the frogs. Cool isn’t it?
  • Will distribute decentralized information and news curated by the frogs without the intervention of external powers through the WAGMI Report
The Vision of The Plague NFT

Plague NFT is not like the other. All love for the community wishes them all gonna make it!



Founder’s Twitter: Pons Asinorum

Artist: Rimbikd

PMO: Whatshisface

Developer: Lozereth

Community Manager: Swankyjohnx

Project Officials






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Playfix Game Platform Co-Founder. Web3 Gaming and Metaverse Technology Enthusiast. Follow my Twitter: https://twitter.com/z0dbrek