Watchen is the directory for top-selling NFT collections.

Find out innovative NFT projects OpenSea won’t show you.

Sebastián Calderón


Image provided by the author.

Watchen is a directory for NFT collections featuring social media features. Their goal is to make discovering new and trendy NFT projects easier.

And no, we’re not talking about mainstream NFT projects with a marketing budget higher than a house downpayment. Watchen raises awareness of all NFT projects, both big and small.

As with other NFT projects, tools, and platforms I’ve written for in the past, their team kindly reached out to me through Twitter and let me know all the details about their tool.

Watchen’s experience in Web3 helped them discover three main problems with traditional Web3 UX.

They created their solution based on each pain point:

Web3 user experience is poorly optimized.

Many NFT projects prioritize innovative features, perks, and having a fancy-looking roadmap over UX.

Watchen’s team had worked on other projects in the creator economy, and they had been into crypto since 2018. Once they learned how NFTs could be used to revolutionize the Internet, they got into Web3.



Sebastián Calderón
Writer for

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