Z0d Game Review: Genopets, the First RPG M2E PVP Game that is Free-to-Play

Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2022
courtesy of blockworks.co

What is Genopet?

Built on the Solana blockchain, Genopet is the first RPG Web3 Game that also first that introduce M2E (Move-to-Earn) which requires you to Move-to-Play. Similar to STEPN, Genopet integrates the P2E model where you can turn a real-life into gameplay that will reward you with its tokens. Although in contrary to STEPN, this game implements the free-to-play gaming model where you can start playing for free!

How can you start playing Genopet?

At the time I am writing this. Genopet is still on Private Beta Phase 1A which has been started on January 20th, 2022. Bear in mind the ones who get the right to play for this are Genesis Genopet holders, Discord DNA members, GENE Token stakers, and select guild partner scholars.

If you are not the one mentioned above you can still join the waitlist. It is eligible for everyone but needs to wait for the waitlist, state a few months on a rolling basis. To verify eligibility and create your game account go to https://genopets.me/beta.

Genesis genopet ower will have the first access to the private beta! You should note that only Genesis genopet owners have it on their wallet before 2020 and do not list it on the marketplace. You can lose your Private beta access if you don’t comply with this. You can get those Genesis on the marketplace like Magic Eden.

So how is it a free-to-play gamefi? It is still free, you can still play and enter the private beta, but as said before you need to que on the waitlist. Once you get selected to play the private beta you will be able to hatch a baby Genopet for free!

So how can you get the waitlist, follow these steps

  1. Go to the Genopets beta sign-up page.
  2. Choose Beta sign-up and do the verification process
  3. You need to verify your email address
  4. Join Genopets discord
  5. Do the discord member verifications
  6. Connect your wallet, Metamask is not here you must use solana based wallet like Solflare, Sollet, Ledger, Thorus Phantom or Slope
  7. Fill in a survey form and if everything is done you will get a notification that you are on the waitlist!

Private Beta

On January 20th, 2022, Genopets released the Private Beta phase 1A. What did you expect to find here?

Before moving on to economics, the Private Beta will focus on game mechanics. Furthermore, this is by design because Genopets wants to provide the finest possible experience for its users while also ensuring their lifetime. During this first phase of Private Beta, GENE Token prizes will be distributed on a regular basis, but not in direct proportion to your game success. Instead, you will receive GENE Token for participating in the Beta and providing excellent feedback. Consider GENE Tokens as a tip for being an excellent beta tester.

Game Display (Courtesy of chaindebrief.com)


The gameplay is unique! It’s similar to Tamagotchi with the training and battling of Pokemon. You need to have your pet first, then you need to nurture your pets (Genopet).

It literally mimics your daily physical activity to the game. In order to start to play you need to move (Move-to-Play)! Genopets encourage you to a healthier lifestyle, It tracks not only your steps but also your sleep. How do they do this? Genopets track your wearable data through your devices,

Free Players

Genopets is a Free-to-Play game, to start every player is free to play. Players’ in-game actions are rewarded financially. Steps will be converted to XP and XP can level your Genopets up!

To level up, you need to earn XP. But, don’t forget to press “bank steps” if you want it to be converted

Once you grind and earned achievements, your Genesis Genopets become valuable in the market and you can trade it on the marketplace.

Paying Players

If you decide to buy Genesis Genopets from marketplaces you will start on at least level 22 and get more XP and attributes for your pets. You will also be able to play the PVP battles.

You can also buy Genpets Habitat if you want to earn more perks namely more XP, earning $KI, the ability to stake $GENE, and unlock the ability to evolve your Genopets by Crafting Refined Crystals (In-game purchase).

Crafting Refined Crystals is key to helping you evolve your unique Genesis with a different appearance, attributes, and skills when you do the PVP battle.

Fundamental Elements

$Gene: Fungible governance and staking token

$Ki: Fungible in-game

XP: A state in a Genopets

Refined Crystals: NFT’s crafted by $GENE and $Ki are used for directing and accelerating Genopet evolution

Habitat: NFT’s habitat for the Genopet to unlock Refined Crystals, Staking, $Ki earning, and boost XP

$GENE Token (Courtesy coinmarketcap.com)



Total Supply: 100,000,000


Private Sale: 32.5% (1-year lockup, 1-year vesting)

Public Sale: 1,5%

Team and Advisors: 25% (1-year lockup, 3 years vesting)

Community Treasury and P2E: 41% (2% on TGE, rest linearly over 5 years)


There is no info about the tokenomics of Ki as I think it has not been launched. Although many say to expect it to be launched around June 2022.

Genopets vs STEPN

Even though Genopets claim as the first M2E Web 3 Game, although the development is quite slow, STEPN also has more users and Market Cap of a 2B market cap whilst Genopets is only a 52M market cap.

In terms of gameplay, STEPN is more practical, you run and record your steps to earn. Genopets have more complex gameplay which allows you to earn not only by counting steps but also through PVP battles.

STEPN is not a Free-to-Play Web 3 game, you need to have NFT sneakers which you have to pay around £243 to £972 whilst Genopets is the opposite, you don’t need to buy an NFT to start playing (Free-to-Play).

Tokenomics looks better in STEPN $GMT and $GST as it has lower private sale allocation accounted for 16.3% whilst $GENE are 32,5%. A 1 year lock up and 3-year vest for STEPN on their private sale is also more favorable compared to Genopets 1-year lock up and 1-year vest.

Overall, both look interesting for me but one thing that I like the most about Genopets is that we can stake $GENE tokens.

Social Media


Benjamin Tse | Albert Chen | Jay Chang

Genopets Official

Medium | Website | Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Facebook

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Playfix Game Platform Co-Founder. Web3 Gaming and Metaverse Technology Enthusiast. Follow my Twitter: https://twitter.com/z0dbrek