Comparative Analysis of UTRUST, DASH, PUNDI X, and MFChain with the Focus on a Development Perspective of Each

Igor K
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2018

UTRUST, DASH, PUNDI X, and MFC (Modern Finance Chain). All four are publicly perceived as the blockchains set to disturb the FinTech industry and take PayPal’s place as the payment processor of the choice. The question is which one is most likely to accomplish that goal in the long run? Moreover, between the four, which one is due to become “the next big thing” or the blockchain that offers more than just crypto payment processing?

NOTE: MFChain, in the context of this analysis, is nothing more than an idea sketched on a piece of paper. We’re gonna use their original plan as a potential seeding idea. The company and the plan did exist in one point in time but that’s history now.

Here we go…

With DASH already having a head start, UTRUST, PUNDI X, and MFChain are still in their startup phases. However, this has little to no relevance because we, as investors and end-users, are always looking for improvements and novel solutions.

Here, we’re gonna cross-check a couple of core features each of these blockchains offers to the market. It will give us a simple and valuable insight into the future of UTRUST, DASH, PUNDI X, and MFChain and their respective development perspectives.

DASH, UTRUST, PUNDI X, MFChain — core features and subsequent development perspective

Even though all four are seemingly similar, namely because they compete within the same industry and even the niche in some instances, the fact remains that not a single core feature is common to all four.

For instance:

  • PUNDI X, MFChain, and UTRUST are providing multi-currency payments while DASH is not.
  • MFC and DASH implement incentivized masternodes. UTRUST and PUNDI X don’t.
  • PUNDI X is the only one that requires special hardware (POS) which may or may not serve as the weight around the waist later on (current distribution is PUNDI X-funded so retailers entering the pilot program have no expenses).
  • Finally, unlike DASH and UTRUST, MFChain provides merchant and consumer rewards whereas PUNDI X only rewards consumers.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

As we move deeper into the business models of each of these promising blockchain solutions, it’s becoming clear that one of them is clearly setting itself apart right from the start, turning into a much more than just another blockchain payment processor.

But, before we turn our attention in that direction, let’s take a quick recap on each of these blockchains’ points-of-sale.

Individual Point-of-Sale

DASH is simplifying the global payments made in cryptocurrencies making them fast via masternodes on their own blockchain. Since they’ve been among the first who effectively tackled this issue with the tangible solution, as such, they have a good head start.

UTRUST is providing the added value to the entire crypto payment industry by offering a payment settlement solution similar to the one of PayPal. In other words, they are set to put the stop on billions of loses generated by fraudulent chargebacks.

PUNDI X is entering the brick&mortar stores with its XPOS hardware, contactless card, and mobile payment app, bringing cryptocurrencies to the everyday people who find blockchain and crypto simply too complex and thus, useless.

MFChain‘s promise was moving beyond just payment processing and looking to create a digital utopia or the ecosystem that embraces all blockchains while bridging the gap between merchants and consumers on a network where visionaries and creators can collaborate to launch innovative distributed applications.

Sadly, they failed to deliver. MfChain filed for bankruptcy a couple of months after this post was originally published, claiming that they didn’t raise sufficient funds to continue the development.

So, as we said, imagine MFChain as the plan that is still sitting at someone’s desk. Who knows, maybe the following content wakes up the creative mind and you pick up where they’ve left.

While UTRUST and PUNDI X are built on Ethereum and NEM blockchain respectively, DASH and MFChain (will) exist within their own respective ecosystems (mainnets).

However, unlike DASH, PUNDI X, and UTRUST, MFChain is basically a smart contract platform that gives them an almost immediate competitive edge in terms of the potential further upgrades, use cases and application of their core platform. Or to put it in another way, by being a smart contract platform they are effectively detaching from the position of being yet another payment processors like it is the case with the remaining three.

Furthermore, as a part of their business model, and unlike UTRUST, PUNDI X, and DASH, MFC’s mainnet enables multi-blockchain integration or the multi-currency payment system designed to allow easy merchant and user adoption while embracing all blockchains within its network. It translates into a decentralized network where no coin can take dominance, for example.

And here is where another key difference comes into play that sets MFChain apart

As a smart contract platform with the multi-blockchain integration and multi-currency payment system, MFChain’s mainnet will enable seamless token creation where ICO projects will be able to accept any number of cryptocurrencies during their token generation event and not just BTC and/or ETH like it is the practice today.

The additional, and by many, vital assistance for blockchain startups looking to raise funds through ICOs comes in the form of the MFC’s prebuilt smart contracts library. Simply put, instead of losing weeks and, in some instances, months on building smart contracts needed to launch the project, the blockchain startup can opt-in for MFC blockchain rather than Ethereum or NEO simply because MFChain will provide the community with a free and complete library of smart contracts, dApps, and blockchain tools that have been audited and verified through community review. Furthermore, MFChain intends to streamline backlogs to allow developers to deploy public-ready blockchain projects within hours.

These features do not and, by default, cannot exist on DASH, PUNDI X or UTRUST platform, at least not at this point.

All of this opens the door for enterprise-level private blockchains.

Currency agnostic by its nature, meaning that it can run with or without a native token, MFC’s mainnet sidechain capability allows an organization to deploy proprietary code on private chains off the MF Mainnet. That is to say that an organization can spin up the nodes quickly with minimal resources via Amazon Lightsail using all of the features of blockchain while maintaining control of their proprietary systems.

Built on top of that is the Innovation Incubator.

MFChain’s Innovation Incubator is designed to provide the resources to conceptualize and build innovative technologies. In other words, with it, companies and individuals requiring additional resources can work directly with MFChain to access the people, strategy, execution, and cash required for rapid project development and massive growth.

Where all of this leaves UTRUST, DASH, and ultimately, PUNDI X?

Exactly where they originally positioned themselves. In the blockchain payment processing niche of the entire FinTech industry with PUNDI X attacking the most valuable and sensitive part of the market — physical retailers by bringing in its XPOS hardware with connected apps.

So, it’s somewhat obvious that unlike DASH, PUNDI X or UTRUST, MFChain’s payment processing feature with the integrated atomic currency swap (crypto for crypto, crypto for fiat and vice versa) is just one small bit of the entire, complex blockchain ecosystem they are developing right now.

We can even argue that MFChain’s market position is fundamentally wrong. NEO-like positioning would be more suitable if you ask me. In that scenario, I’m confident that the early adoption would be even more prominent than it is now.

In the end, all four are ambitious projects with similar missions — to accelerate the global adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies respectively. And in my opinion, all four plans could be looking into the bright future if they continue in a current manner and stay devoted to their core visions.



Igor K

A renowned ghostwriter, blockchain enthusiast, and a known Quoran who built a respectable career using just his laptop, the internet, and own wit.