Are Bitcoin trends going to suffer with the downfall of possible economic crisis?

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4 min readSep 4, 2018
Source: Google

Every newspaper and online journal is blasting with share market predictions. We cannot help but notice that the news that one is reading every alternate day for the past two months has hardly anything promising for us. With United States beginning to fluctuate in terms of the economy model all the other nations who were co-dependent with this country’s trade and balance are getting a reality check soon enough. The Trump administration has refused to show any kind of major steps that will decide regarding the future of global economy as a whole.

Now the question that strikes our mind is; how will that affect Bitcoin? Let us not panic until and unless we have to. In this particular article we will tell you about the situation of BTC and how to tackle any kind of problem that may arise. All your questions about the cryptocurrency would be answered here.


Source: Google

Bitcoin trading by all means and practices still remains mostly legal across the globe. So the first sign of relief is already here. You do not have to worry about trading it globally or even within your nation with your peers. Also, the conventional market hasn’t said anything about banning or not recognizing cryptocurrencies.

Relation with the economic crisis

Let us first put all the facts on the table to avoid any kind of future confusion. The economic crisis that we are talking about since the beginning of this article is a predicted event. No one knows if it is going to happen for real or if it will occur at all. Since marketing experts have made their calculation we decide to take them seriously.

Source: Google

They have done their job by informing us of the future hazards. What do we do now? Our first and foremost priority would be to take precautions. Necessary precautions wouldn’t make you sweat and drip if the market value actually drops.

What should be your step?

Knowledge is the ultimate power. If you are well informed about the cryptocurrency agenda then nothing will scare you. Suppose you go and buy Ethereum from an exchange then what could be the repercussions? First of all cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin is a decentralized form of currency. It is nothing like the fiat money we use. There is no body of government or private head that will fall under your heads. You have complete autonomy of what you do.

In addition to that, cryptos are a separate currency by themselves. They are not a part or member of the fiat currency. Sure there is turn over value but still they have their autonomy. The exchange value that you see of cryptos in return of Bitcoin and etc is there for customers who want to exchange it. Now, if the predicted economic crisis hits the market then these exchanges wouldn’t be possible. I mean, technically yes, you would still be able to exchange them for fiat money but that would be your loss.

But on the contrary, crypto exchanges would become very beneficial. If you go to exchange one cryptocurrency for the other then you will be making some serious bucks. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to not buy new Bitcoins within that period of time and avoid exchanging them for fiat money. However, the benefit would be to exchange one crypto for some other trending crypto. would be a very good place for such trading. Visit the website to find out more.

In earlier times, i.e. for the past decade whenever we have seen a major downfall in the economy never has it affected the way Bitcoins are traded? On the other hand people have made huge chunks of profits out of it for sure. There is no reason for you to worry as well. If you already have bought cryptocurrency then there is nothing to be worried about either. And if you have none hen now would be a good time to buy them and then start trading them whenever you feel like doing that.

Happy trading and investing folks!!

