Bitcoin — the smartest investment of 21st century. Find out why!

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3 min readSep 7, 2018
Source: Google

A little background about Bitcoin

What exactly is Bitcoin other than a trending name on your news searches and all social media links? It definitely is something greater than your Facebook notifications which cannot stop trending this term all the time. It is about time you also get to know about BTC hand on hand and with complete familiarization.

So to begin with its inception, Bitcoin was started in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Know more about bitcoin. Earlier people didn’t know who this alias was but later an entrepreneur named Craig Wright revealed himself to be the one. (P.S. if you already know regarding the background details then feel free to skip forward to the important sections of the article)

It was the first ever cryptocurrency. Earlier people found it a little troublesome to understand the concept of virtual money. It is quite simple if you really think about it. Cryptocurrency conceptualizes on the fact that all the money across this globe would hold a singular value. Just think about all the economic problems that will be solved with these generalizations. Well, that is a discussion for some other time.

There is no physical bank or office where these currencies are mined. An online system called blockchain enables mining online via computers. People sitting behind their computers solve puzzles and complete other tasks which in turn mines Bitcoin. Interesting, isn’t it?

So all you have to actually do is get a Bitcoin wallet in India and then start acquiring coins which would, in turn, generate huge profits. Now let us know why one should invest in it in the first place.

Investment in BTC and more…

Now, why will you listen to me and put your money into buying digital money which has no tangible proof? Hear me out! Do it because that will profit you primarily. The thing about cryptocurrency is that the growth percentage is very high. Last year the profit was recorded at 300%. That’s right!

It is more than just digital money. It is an asset which is more profitable than gold or land. In this spiking world of the 21st century if you want to make the smart decision for your money then invest it in BTC. The returns are going to be massive. In case you want to do more than just letting your money sit then utilize it smartly. Find a good cryptocurrency exchange in India and start with the trading and investment already.

Another great thing one can do is use it for buying items on Amazon,, planning trips and purchasing tickets on Expedia and etc. There are thousands of mainstream websites and e-commerce chains which openly accept all kind of cryptocurrencies. Microsoft, Dell and Coin base are very good examples for that.

Exchanges offer you the facility to exchange one crypto for the other. This is quite frankly the best way to spend your coins. You can accumulate large profits this way. Why you ask? See, the market of cryptocurrency is very volatile in nature. Something or the other is always happening which makes the blockchain system better every time. In addition to that, the future is the digital world. We cannot imagine a future where the internet wouldn’t have taken over. It already has if you think through it. The reason Bitcoin has prevailed for a decade without any falter or depreciation is that it is slowly moving towards the future. Therefore, your exchanges would account for very high market prices.

If such big multinational companies can have faith that they inspire payment and business models from BTC then you should not doubt it either. In case you are worried regarding trusting an exchange, then click here to visit Blockage. It is India’s first crypto to crypto exchange and also offers insurance on your transactions. Problem solved!

Go ahead and explore the world of cryptos better.

Happy trading and investing folks!!

