I Found a Surprising Crypto-Related Business

Daniel Taylor
Published in
17 min readNov 12, 2023

It has been more than 4 years since I am writing in the crypto field. Recently, I found an amazing, complete, and comprehensive investment opportunity in crypto and NFT. I contacted the business owner and asked them for guidance.
I share the guide from the owner’s perspective. It will be charming and surprising.
Read the following guide and do not hesitate to ask ANY questions from business owner you might face.

Source: Unkown Artist Official Telegram Channel

Chapter 1: Introduction
Inventor Unknown Artist, a resident of Dallas, Texas, USA, with a master’s degree in engineering. Like you, he struggled with life’s obstacles, but a quote from Les Brown from the summer of 2018 gave him the motivation to press on.
According to Les Brown, “Imagine you’re on your deathbed, and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential, the ghosts of the ideas you never acted on, and the ghosts of the talents you didn’t use.”
Since he works as an engineer and deals with calculations and figures, psychology became a side interest of his. To succeed in life, it all comes down to your attitude and how you handle yourself. The Unknown Artist views success as a state of fulfillment that varies depending on the individual. Each of the almost 8 billion people that inhabit the planet Earth has a distinct fingerprint, and personal fulfillment means various things to different people. Some want to pursue careers as singers, dancers, astronauts, engineers, or in other fields.
With an emphasis on psychology, Unknown Artist aims to establish a friendly, goal-oriented community of like-minded individuals on the blockchain. However, what is blockchain, why is it on the blockchain, and how does a person who aspires to be a chef relate to psychology?
Chapter 2: Blockchain
In this section, we will introduce a preface to the nature of blockchain and its elements.
What is Blockchain?
Assume you have a unique notebook that several people use to record information such as who is in possession of what. Everybody has a copy of the exact same notebook and collaborates to ensure the accuracy of the material rather than having just one person in control.
These days, people don’t just put down new information on their own when they wish to add anything, like who owns a toy. Rather, they have to inform everyone else, and they all decide to simultaneously record it in their notebooks.
No one could simply alter or cheat in this fashion because everyone would be aware of it. They can rely on one another as they all have the same information in their notebooks and don’t require an employer to verify it.
The unique notepad resembles a “blockchain.” It’s a means for many individuals to monitor things together and ensure that everything is true and fair.
Why Blockchain?
Consider a blockchain as a very exclusive club with amazing books for every member. Anytime someone wants to make a change or addition to the book, such as identifying who is eligible for a special sticker, they must first get permission from the other members.
No one can merely smuggle in fraudulent stickers because everyone is using the same book and is checking each other’s requests. Because they are aware that no one can deceive or cheat them, the club members have greater faith in one another.
And what’s this? The owners of this club and its magical book are its members, not a corporation or a powerful individual. Consequently, they are uncontrollable and collaborate to uphold justice. It’s similar to their unique method of ensuring that everyone is being honest and that no one can take advantage of them.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Chapter 3: Psychology
Think about your brain as a toolbox filled with various tools. Psychology serves as a guide to help you make the most of those tools and improve your life in a variety of ways.
Assume you work as an engineer. Gaining an understanding of psychology can improve your ability to collaborate with others, think outside the box to solve issues, and even express yourself clearly.
Consider becoming a dancer right now. Understanding psychology can help you project confidence, manage your emotions on stage, and use your movements to engage the audience.
Psychology can help you better understand both your own and other people’s feelings when it comes to dating. Relationships become healthier as a result of your ability to communicate effectively and with kindness and respect.
It is important to consider psychology even when driving. It makes you a safer driver overall, helps you avoid road rage, and helps you remain patient in traffic.
Psychology is essentially a treasure map for comprehending both yourself and other people. Whatever you do, it improves your ability to make wiser decisions, feel happier, and get along with people in all facets of your life.
Maybe you ask, how shall we get there?
Well, Unknown Artist has a plan for this game, which will be practiced in various phases.
Chapter 4: Phase 1 — Invitation
We invite individuals just like you to come along on our journey and help us create our family during this phase. To build confidence and initiate our offerings, we provide three distinct products with the goal of improving self-awareness. The first step towards self-improvement, which eventually results in reaching goals in life, is self-awareness.
One of our products is NFTs, which are premium T-shirts with distinctive designs paired with them. They are known as Astro Legends. There are sixteen different personality types and twelve zodiac signs, for a total of 192 original designs. We have only produced 10 copies of each design, so each zodiac-personality type combination will only be available for purchase by 10 individuals worldwide.
Each Astro Legends Collections T-shirt comes with a matching NFT that: ⁃ verifies that you are the owner of the design in addition to the T-shirt.
⁃ Assign a priority to the Coin and Token that we will introduce in 2024.
⁃ An NFT badge printed on your t-shirt ⁃ A promotional code that gives each user 20% off their purchase and gives you 20% of the proceeds in cash. For instance, if you give your promo code to a customer purchasing $100 worth of goods, they will receive 20% off, making the final sales price $80. You will receive $16 in commission or 20% of that $80.
⁃ Grants you access to our Trading Chanel for a month.
⁃ You can reprint your T-shirt at a 60% discount as long as you can demonstrate that you are the owner of the NFT.
⁅ Only NFT holders are able to place orders for additional NFT-related products. For instance, if you possess the NFT for Aries-INTJ, you would be the only one able to purchase that design on a hoodie, hat, mug, and so on, provided that we have any available.
However, what is NFT and what applications does it have?
Imagine that you possess an extremely unique and special sticker. There are other stickers out there, but not like this one. Let’s imagine for a moment that you want to flaunt this sticker to your friends but are reluctant to part with it.
You therefore make the decision to snap a photo of the sticker and share it with your pals. Though they don’t actually own the sticker, they can appreciate how awesome your sticker is.
Your unique sticker is comparable to an NFT, or “Non-Fungible Token.” It’s a blockchain-based digital method of acquiring unique property, such as artwork or collectibles. Similar to your sticker image, anyone can view and appreciate the NFT, but you are the only owner of the original copy.
Beyond being a showpiece, NFTs have many useful applications. Here are some instances:
1. Digital Art and Creativity: Artists are able to produce digital works of art that they can sell as NFTs. They now have a new avenue for income generation since they can communicate with their fans and customers directly. Additionally, NFTs facilitate artists’ ability to receive royalties from future resale of their works.
2. Collectibles and Video Games: NFTs can be used to symbolize special in-game goods, characters, or even land ownership in video games. By allowing players to purchase, sell, and exchange these digital goods, games become more interactive, and virtual goods gain value.
3. Ownership of Virtual Property: NFTs can stand in for ownership of virtual land, buildings, or spaces in virtual worlds or metaverse platforms. A whole new market where people purchase, create, and trade virtual properties may result from this.
The utilization of NFTs can serve as a means of demonstrating the ownership and legitimacy of digital goods, documents, and even credentials obtained through education. In addition to preventing fraud, this can guarantee the authenticity of digital records.
5. Charity and Fundraising: To raise money for charitable purposes, organizations can issue NFTs. Supporters can purchase these NFTs with the knowledge that their money is going toward a worthwhile cause.
6. Historical and Cultural Preservation: By digitizing and preserving historical artifacts, cultural heritage, and rare collectibles, NFTs can make them unique and accessible to a worldwide audience.
7. Tickets and Event Access: NFTs can be used as electronic passes to conferences, shows, or events. This can expedite the process of verifying attendees and help prevent counterfeiting.

8. Licensing and Intellectual Property: By using NFTs, authors, musicians, and content producers can grant direct licenses to customers, eschewing the need for middlemen and obtaining greater control over the uses of their works.
Therefore, NFTs are more than just a showpiece; they have the power to completely transform a number of industries as well as the way we perceive value and ownership in the digital sphere.
By using this technology, we give regular consumers a useful way to use NFTs, progressively increasing public awareness of this technology.
These premium T-shirts successfully convey and demonstrate your unique qualities, tailored to your zodiac sign and personality. We also provide them as a product in the first phase. As previously stated, the secret to success is psychology and self-awareness, and our products are excellent at showcasing your uniqueness.

Six categories are available for the T-shirts:

1. Astro Legends Collection: — Comes with a printed NFT badge and your limited quantity NFT
- Zodiac printed; — Personality type printed; — Top 5 traits printed
- A special referral code with a 20% discount and a 20% cash payout on sales.

For instance, if someone purchases a $100 product with your Astro Legends Referral code, they will receive $20 off, making the final cost only $80. The only way to get Unknown Artist’s products at a discounted price is through this. The product would retail for $80 after the 20% discount, and you would get 20% of the proceeds or $16 in cash.

2. Collection of Astro Heroes:
Not-NFT — Absent NFT Badge
- Zodiac printed; — Personality type printed; — Top 5 traits printed
- A special referral code with a 16% discount and a 16% cash payout on sales.

For instance, if someone purchases a $100 product with your Astro Heroes Referral code, they will receive $16 off, making the final cost only $84. This is the only way to get a discount on Unknown Artist’s merchandise. Following the application of the 16% discount, the product’s sales price would be $84. You would then receive 16% of the sales or $13.44 in cash.

3. The Astro Stars Collection: — No NFT Badge — Non-NFT
- A unique referral code that offers a 14% discount and pays you 14% of sales in cash; — A printed zodiac; — A printed personality type.

For instance, if someone purchases a $100 product with your Astro Stars Referral code, they will receive $14 off, making the final cost only $86. This is the only way to get a discount on Unknown Artist’s merchandise. The product’s sales price would be $86, after the 14% discount is applied. You would then receive 14% of the sales, or $12.04, in cash.
4. Collection of Astro Signs: — Non-NFT — No NFT Badge
Zodiac printed on it. — Special referral code with 12% off and 12% cash back on sales.

For instance, if someone purchases a $100 product with your Astro Signs Referral code, they will receive $12 off, making the final cost only $88. This is the only way to get a discount on Unknown Artist’s merchandise. The product’s sales price is $88 after the 12% discount is applied, and you would get paid $10.56 in cash or 12% of the sales.

5. PersonaliTEE Collection: No NFT Badge — Non-NFT
- Printed Personality Type — Special referral code with a 10% discount and a 10% cash payout for each sale.
For instance, if someone purchases a $100 product with your PersonaliTEE Referral code, they will receive $10 off, making the final cost only $90. This is the only way to get a discount on Unknown Artist’s merchandise.
Following the application of the 10% discount, the product’s sales cost could be $90. You would then receive 10% of the sales or $9 in cash.
Futures: Let’s say you’re a huge action figure collector of superheroes. Let’s call the one you like best, “SuperAwesomeMan.” Let’s imagine, though, that you think SuperAwesomeMan action figures will become extremely popular and that many people will want to purchase them in the coming months.
Trading futures is similar to placing a wager with another person on the future value of SuperAwesomeMan action figures. Say to someone, “I believe SuperAwesomeMan action figures will be worth $100 each in three months.” “I don’t think so, I bet they’ll only be worth $80 each,” someone might say.
You each promised the other that you would return in three months to determine who was correct. The person who placed the winning wager on the price of the action figures — who are each worth $100 — must give the other person some cash. You must give the other person money, though, if they are only worth $80 apiece.
It’s similar to speculating on an item’s future price and placing a wager on that estimate. Not only do people do this with action figures, but also with commodities like stocks, oil, and crops. While it can be an attempt at earning money, it also functions somewhat like a game in which the object is to correctly predict future events.
Consider yourself a detective attempting to crack a case. Here, the question is how much the SuperAwesomeMan action figures — or anything else — will cost in the future.

Unlike in gambling, you don’t just wing it. Instead, you hazard a guess based on information and hints. These hints come from examining consumer behavior in the marketplace, analyzing a large body of historical data regarding price fluctuations, and figuring out what could motivate consumers to purchase or dispose of the action figures.
It’s comparable to forecasting the weather. To create forecasts, meteorologists use information on wind, temperature, and historical weather patterns. They make informed predictions instead of merely speculating.
Hence, futures trading is not considered gambling because participants use data analysis, market knowledge, and detective abilities to try and make educated guesses about how prices will move in the future. They’re attempting to solve something akin to a puzzle by using typical consumer behavior and market reactions as a guide.
We have some amazing news regarding our futures trading strategy that we are thrilled to share with you. Our strategy has demonstrated a remarkable 94.3% win rate in the market since March 6th, 2023, and as of today, September 4th, 2023. This indicates that our strategy has produced profitable trades 94.3 percent of the time.
The level of profitability we’ve attained is even more amazing. Over this time, we have exceeded a startling 3000% in minimum profit and an astounding 17000% in maximum profit. We are pleased to provide you with access to this profitable trading strategy because these are genuinely remarkable results.
It’s crucial to realize, though, that trading with signals necessitates careful money management and market knowledge, just like any other business. This is not an overnight wealth scheme; rather, it’s a method that requires skill and patience.
Being your own boss is one of the best things about trading signals. Unlike traditional businesses like Amazon FBA, you don’t have to deal with customers or overhead costs; you have complete control over your decisions. Being independent is one of the best ways to gradually increase your wealth and can be very empowering.
Finally, we are excited to provide you with access to what we think is the greatest futures trading strategy available anywhere. It’s a very effective tool, but success hinges on your patience, financial acumen, and dedication to learning. We’re here to help you along the way to financial success, and we think you can reach your objectives if you have the appropriate abilities and attitude.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Chapter 5: Phase 2 — Unknown Artist Token & Application
With regard to our impending second phase, we are overjoyed to share some exciting news with you! We will be releasing a state-of-the-art application for iOS and Android smartphones in addition to a brand-new token. We can assure you that the app will surpass your expectations, even though we are not yet able to disclose all of its features.
Our goal is to give you access to an application that gives the tokens you own a regular and useful use. Our token is intended to increase in value over time as a result of its extensive public use, in contrast to many other cryptocurrencies that are primarily used as investment vehicles. It’s about actively interacting with millions of people on a daily basis, not just about investing.
Our goal is to build an ecosystem that genuinely improves your daily experience. Our goal is for these tokens to become an essential part of your every day activities by putting innovation and usefulness at your fingertips.
As the official launch approaches, be sure to check back for additional updates. We are eager to introduce to you all of the amazing features and advantages that our brand-new token and application will provide.
Chapter 6: Phase 3 — Unknown Artist TV
We are ecstatic to introduce Unknown Artist TV in Phase 3, marking the beginning of another thrilling chapter in our journey. This platform is all about you; it’s a place where gifted and accomplished people can come together to share their experiences, motivate one another, and get support from people worldwide.
Unknown Artist TV honors the remarkable range of success and talent in our international community. It’s a place where regular people can showcase their distinctive abilities, interests, and journeys to become extraordinary. This is your chance to shine, whether you’re an aspiring scientist, artist, entrepreneur, or just someone with a story to tell.
Our goal is to establish a media platform that emphasizes not only achievement but also the perseverance, hard work, and fortitude required to get there. Everyone has a story to tell, and by doing so, we can motivate one another, create relationships, and create a global network of support.
We encourage you to check back for updates on Unknown Artist TV as we enter this exciting new phase. We sincerely hope you will join us in witnessing the amazing talent and stories that emerge on this platform.
The idea is to inspire individuals everywhere to become inspired and find a mentor in their industry in order to achieve.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Chapter 7: Phase 4 — Unknown Artist Web 3 Application & Coin
We have even more exciting information regarding our journey’s fourth phase. We are launching the Unknown Artist Coin concurrently with the switching of our application to the blockchain.
Symbolizing a new age of empowerment and ownership is the Unknown Artist Coin. It will be essential to our decentralized ecosystem, giving you, our community, a voice and a real stake in the future of our platform.
The Unknown Artist Coin will be essential to our community’s participation and decision-making as we transition to this blockchain-based phase. It represents our common goal of creating a platform that genuinely belongs to the people, not just a token.
The amount of gratitude we have for your steadfast support is beyond words. We have reached this incredible milestone in our journey because of your active participation and belief in our vision. We will create a future where community cooperation, innovation, and creativity flourish together.
As we move closer to Phase 4, keep checking back for more information and updates. Among the many fascinating innovations we have in store is the Unknown Artist Coin, and we can’t wait to take you on this adventure with us.
Chapter 8: Phase 5 — Launching Unknown Artist Coin & Token on Major Exchanges
With the launch of the Unknown Artist Coin and Token, Unknown Artist makes a huge advancement in our unwavering mission to empower people via self-awareness and original expression.
This crucial advancement advances our goal by providing new opportunities for community members to interact with us and one another.
8.1 The Coin and Token of Unknown Artist Was Born
The Unknown Artist Coin (UAC) and Token (UAT) are the digital manifestations of our dedication to introspection and individual expression. In the Unknown Artist ecosystem, UAT is a necessary utility token, whereas UAC functions as a type of cryptocurrency.
8.2 The Outlook
Our goal is to build a thriving, dynamic cryptocurrency ecosystem that works in unison with our current platform. We hope to give our community more opportunities for financial empowerment, self-expression, and self-improvement by introducing UAC and UAT.
8.3 The Path to Significant Exchanges
Although there are challenges involved in launching UAC and UAT on large exchanges such as Binance, the process fits in perfectly with our dedication to quality and innovation. Here’s an overview of our approach:
8.3.1 Adherence to Rules and Law
To protect the assets of our users, we give regulatory compliance top priority before listing on major exchanges. To negotiate the complicated regulatory environment, we collaborate with authorities and legal professionals.
8.3.2 Construction of Utility and Liquidity
We are aware that a successful listing depends on liquidity. In order to do this, we put tactics into place to generate demand in both our community and the larger cryptocurrency market for UAC and UAT. As a utility token, UAT is essential to our ecosystem, fulfilling functions ranging from rewards to governance.
8.3.3 Involvement in Community
The core of all we do is community-based. We actively seek input and feedback from our community members on our coin and token launch strategy, involving them in the decision-making process.
8.3.4 Technology and Security When handling digital assets, security is crucial. To protect our users’ assets, we use industry-standard security protocols along with cutting-edge blockchain technology.
8.3.5 Cooperation and Joint Ventures
To take advantage of the advantages of well-established competitors and broaden our reach, we are looking for strategic alliances and partnerships in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries.
8.4 The Listing on Binance
One of the biggest and most trustworthy cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance, is a crucial stop on our path. In an effort to make our digital assets easily accessible to our community, we are actively working toward listing UAC and UAT on Binance.
8.4.1 Benefits of Listing on Binance — Worldwide Exposure: We can reach a larger audience of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors by listing on Binance, which gives us worldwide exposure.
- Liquidity: Users can purchase, sell, and trade UAC and UAT more easily thanks to Binance’s high trading volume, which guarantees liquidity for these assets.
- Credibility: Our project gains credibility from Binance’s established security and compliance record, which fosters community trust.
8.5 Come Travel with Us Into Crypto World
We cordially invite you, our esteemed community members, to join us in influencing the direction of Unknown Artist Coin and Token as we set out on this thrilling crypto journey. Follow along for updates as we work to redefine financial empowerment, self-expression, and self-awareness through the Unknown Artist ecosystem.

To sum up, the ecosystem of Unknown Artists offers a unique chance for individuals seeking financial empowerment, self-expression, and self-discovery. We would like to stress that this is a significant divergence from the norm and not just another project. We’ve positioned ourselves at the nexus of blockchain technology, art, and psychology, providing you with an unparalleled experience.
We extend a warm invitation to you to become a part of our growing family as we go forward. Accept your individuality, take advantage of UAC and UAT, and together, we will create a new story about self-awareness. Every second you spend with us is an artistic brushstroke on the canvas that is your life.
You are more than just a participant in this extraordinary endeavor; you are a trailblazer and a co-creator of the future. Greetings from the Unknown Artist community, where exceptional is the standard. Come along with us as we redefine what’s possible. Welcome to the revolution of the unknown artist.

Here is the address of the Official Telegram Channel of the business.
Let the Business Owner know if you have any questions.



Daniel Taylor

I'm 4yrs experienced crypto writer. Blog writer, news reporter, technical educator, and fundamental expert