BlockBits PRE-ICO funding is live!

Socaci Micky
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2018

We’re please to announce that the DAPP contracts have been deployed and validated successfully and funding has begun.

Check out the website and note that we’ve added a new funding pool and enabled the Contributions section.

Marketing limited Public Sale which will give you a significantly larger bonus of over 180%, but comes with no returns in case of funding failure since all funds collected through it will be exclusively used for Marketing and ICO Listings.

PRE-ICO Bonus is 40%.

The contribution page contains all available funding pools and methods attached to each, and also presents you with a section where you can view your wallet and vault balances.

Please make sure to read about each pool’s conditions and funding method and their respective GAS COST before commiting to sending a transaction to their respective Ethereum Smart Contract. Also do not send ETH directly from an Exchange! Make sure you have a proper wallet in order to be able to retrieve your tokens. Visit if you need one.

Contribute now and be part of the change!

