Block Commerce Initiative — Providing A Superior Customer Service Experience

Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2019

BlockCart is a blockchain-based solution to problems consumers like you have no doubt experienced in the traditional e-commerce and online retail industry. In fact, these problems occur mainly because the huge amounts of data you produce when shopping online is not used to its fullest potential by businesses to create the best, personalised shopping experience for you.

As we explored previously with BlockCart’s Block Commerce Initiative (BCI), this framework allows for both businesses and consumers like you to effectively control and harness the data you produce so you can experience a seamless customer service when you shop online.

Under BCI, you can enjoy functions such as a single shopping cart for use across multiple websites and online stores, international size and product recommendations, and even cross-merchant promotions!

How You Can Benefit from BlockCart

Security & Control — Imagine not having to worry about having your data being collected. Often when making purchases online, most if not all of us have experienced insecurity over entering our personal details, especially our credit card information and address. Aside from worrying about the vulnerability of our data to external hacks, we are also not privy to how our data is being used by the businesses that collect them. Recently, we’ve also seen the mismanagement of our data by big companies such as Facebook and Google. We worry about our data being collected because we do not own the data or our digital trail.

BCI empowers you by giving you knowledge and control of how, where and when your data is being used. You will be made part of a wider ecosystem that also comprises merchants, e-commerce stores and data users- be both stakeholder and participant in a decentralised, secure system where you control over your data lies in your hands. What’s more, you can receive incentives should you choose to share your data with businesses — it’s a win-win situation for everyone!

Greater Personalisation and Convenience — As more merchants and retailers join BCI, you can enjoy what essentially is an online global shopping mall without borders and restrictions. Gone will be the days where you have to checkout on multiple shopping carts across different websites or waste time figuring out the different sizing measurements of clothing. You can even get access to greater discounts with joint and cross promotions. Convenience at your fingertips, all in a single cart!

Moreover, with the BCI and its increased data pool, businesses will make recommendations more accurately for you so you can avoid being bombarded with irrelevant products and marketing spam. This is good news for all online shoppers — you are less likely to experience buyer’s remorse if you are guided to make purchases you truly like and need.

BlockCart aims to create and sustain a dynamic ecosystem of businesses, merchants and consumers where everyone benefits — increased security, transparency and personalisation for all.

Visit BlockCart’s website to learn more.

BlockCart’s Airdrop and Bounty campaigns are still currently ongoing with 20,000,000 tokens up for grabs. Join our Telegram group today or check out our previous article here to find out how you can earn BCART tokens.




Curating the E-Commerce Experience with Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Blockchain