Community Update — August 10, 2018

We share some notes from our early beta testing. 📝



Two weeks ago we pushed Tabby Pay 2.0 into private beta and invited a small group of beta testers to trial the new platform.

While there have been a few small bits of feedback on the UX, the overall consensus has been very positive and we’re now even more excited to release it to the public in the days ahead. 🎁

Community Feedback

Here’s a small collection of quotes and feedback from our early beta testers.

“This is a HUGE improvement. It feels more like a payment application and less like a blockchain app (and trust me, that’s a good thing).” — Marcus S.

“… and the ability to send ERC20 tokens increases the potential use case for this app exponentially.” — Ahmed K.

“I’m VERY glad you listened to the community about including CAT as payment option. ” — Phil T.

Note: We’re expanding our closed beta group. If you applied to beta test the app, but haven’t heard back from us yet, look out for an email next week.

Next Steps: Open Beta

Since our early tests have come back positive, we’re now prepping the platform for open beta, which will be available to the public next week.

Tabby Pay 2.0 launches to open beta on August 17, 2018.

Soon the community will be able to send any ERC20 token, quickly and easily — without the fear of sending to the wrong address.

As with Tabby Pay v.1.0, users will be able to cancel payments after they’ve been sent (as long as the receiving party hasn’t accepted the transaction).

Dev Notes

A few quick notes about what went on behind the scenes this week.

We spent the week focusing on a second iteration of the Rewards contract which allows us to generate an infinite number of codes with a fixed gas price. We mentioned the gas challenges in a previous update. 💻General Updates:
+ developed and tested POC for new rewards contract to prove viability
+ developed first iteration of new rewards contract
+ started integrating new contract with client application

That’s it for this week! If you have any questions, be sure to join our Discord channel, tweet to us on Twitter or chime in on the /r/BlockCAT subreddit!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.