Community Update — June 8, 2018

Expanding the feature set of Tabby Pay. 💻

3 min readJun 8, 2018


In case you missed it, last week we announced our next smart contract, Tabby Rewards, which was met with a fair bit of enthusiasm from our community.

While we’re excited about this next dApp, we’re equally as excited about the continued attention that our first smart contract, Tabby Pay, has been getting.

After we attended Consensus 2018, we alluded to a few potential partnership possibilities after meeting with the various teams in attendance. One partnership in particular we’re working on requires us to add some additional features to Tabby Pay before we can integrate our services.

Therefore, we’re going to be assigning some of our resources back towards Tabby Pay in order to add the functionality we need to be successful.

Two new features coming to Tabby Pay.

1. Tabby Pay: ERC20 Tokens

We’re confident in what Tabby Pay has to offer for those who are sending ETH payments to one another, but it would be even more beneficial if you could use our dApp to send/receive any ERC20 token.

This is something we’re really excited about, as it expands the potential uses of Tabby Pay substantially.

2. Tabby Pay: Payment in CAT

Another piece of feedback we received was how the CAT token was used to get a discount on ETH fees, instead of utilizing CAT as a payment method.

We’ve made the decision to change this. Instead of getting a discount for having CAT in your wallet, you will instead pay with CAT, which will allow you to get a discount of 50%.

Working in Parallel

Over the next couple weeks we will continue to develop Tabby Rewards in parallel with the continued development of Tabby Pay.

This will allow us to attract a new target market while at the same time opening ourselves up to potentially exciting partnerships in the future.

Dev Notes

A few quick notes about what went on behind the scenes this week.

💰Tabby Pay:
+ new feature: sending tokens (rather than just eth)
+ bug fix: fix rendering of discount percentages
🎁Tabby Rewards:
+ general development still underway
+ payment with CAT
+ fetching data from blockchain (refresh support)
+ managing campaigns/rewards (cancelling)
+ token auth
+ finalized new config structure to support our contract versioning
+ continued development on upcoming contracts

That’s it for this week! If you have any questions, be sure to join our Discord channel, tweet to us on Twitter or chime in on the /r/BlockCAT subreddit!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.