Community Update — March 30, 2018

UX improvements for Tabby Pay, sticker restock and more!

5 min readMar 29, 2018


Improving the Tabby Pay UX

While we consider the launch of Tabby Pay to be a success overall, we realize that we still have a long way’s to go if we want to make the app as user friendly and accessible to the crypto community as possible.

One of the pieces of feedback we’ve heard is in regards to our onboarding experience (or lack thereof). As it stands, the initial loading of our app leaves a little bit to be desired — but in some cases it can be straight up confusing.

These are the two messages that most people will see when they load up One of them is a legal disclaimer and the other is a Web3 error that tells you that something is wrong.

Neither are very delightful.

It’s kind of like showing up to a party. You expect the host to greet you, make you feel comfortable and show you around the place — but instead he makes you sign a waiver and tells you that you brought the wrong food.

While this wasn’t the intention when we built it, we realized after our retro that it might give users the wrong impression and made a note to improve it.

To help us place ourselves in the users’ shoes, we brainstormed a series of simple user-paths and tested out a variety of ideas for presenting users with the right information at the right time.

The goal is to eliminate confusion and give users enough pertinent information without overloading them right out of the gate. We still need to communicate the same messages (ie. disclaimer and web3 errors) but we want to do it in a way that is welcoming and expected.

Here’s a quick preview of what our onboarding flow could look like in the near future (note: this is still in development, some images/copy might change).

ℹ️Be sure to select ‘HD’ from the gear icon above.

You may have noticed a few things.

First, this modal series essentially acts as a quick walk-through of how the contract works and what the user can expect when they use it. This smart contract is the first of it’s kind, so we feel that every user should understand how to utilize it correctly.

Second, if you‘re super observant, you may have noticed a selection screen for users to choose which type of wallet they’re using. That’s because we’re currently scoping the possibility of expanding the use cases for Tabby Pay, including support for Hardware Wallets and services like MEW/My Crypto.

Third, if there’s an error in the workflow (such as the user not having a Web3 client installed) they’ll be prompted to do so in a way that feels like it’s a part of the onboarding workflow (as opposed to throwing an error).

This is just one of the areas of the app that we’re aiming to improve over the next few weeks… so if you have any feedback for ways we can make the UX experience even more user friendly, be sure to jump into the #tabby-feedback channel in Discord to let us know!

Dev Updates

Lots of updates on the back-end of Tabby Pay this week, including some scoping and implementation work for brand new wallet functionality.

DEV NOTES🐞Bugs Fixed:
+ Users who had MetaMask set to the wrong network would not always be detected.
+ ESlint would sometimes cause deployment errors.
+ Initial implementation of hardware wallet support.
+ Groundwork for manual acceptance of payments (via external services such as MyEtherWallet).
+ Improved fee calculations in preparation for when fees go live.
+ "Pending Payments" section now tells the user if no payments are pending.
+ Added polyfills for better browser support.
+ Improved alignment of UI elements.
+ Redesigned the fee payment calculator layout.
+ Added more integration tests to prevent merge conflicts.
+ Optimized homepage HTML/CSS.
+ Working on automatic deployment tools for Tabby website.
+ Re-modelling Tabby Pay by experimenting with app port to redux.

CAT Sticker Restock

Back by popular demand — we now have tons of BlockCAT stickers back in stock! These premium stickers are die-cut and fit perfectly on your laptop.

If you placed your order after 2/6/2018, then your stickers will be shipped out within the next week. If you haven’t ordered your BlockCAT stickers yet… what exactly are you waiting for?

🌐Click here to request your FREE BlockCAT stickers

Team Building

March brought many milestones for BlockCAT, all of which wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication from our team. This is why we feel it’s super important for us to invest in and build a strong team ethic, both inside and outside of the office.

After all, completing team building activities together allows us to better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Not only that, but team building events can also lead to more successful and creative workplace ideas (not to mention the fact that they’re usually a lot of fun).

This month our team visited a socially-responsible, local cooking school called StartFresh for a group cooking class. We got to learn how to make pasta (and very spicy caesars) and then eat together as a group. Side note: Shipping pasta is a lot easier than shipping software — but not nearly as rewarding. 😉

That’s it for this week! If you have any questions, be sure to join our Discord channel, tweet to us on Twitter or chime in on the /r/BlockCAT subreddit!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.