Guide: Purchase CAT using MyEtherWallet

Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017

Step One: Visit the MyEtherWallet website.

Step Two: Login or Create Account
If you already have an account, simply login and move to Step Four

If you require an account, then follow the on screen instruction for creating a secure password and saving your keyfile/private keys.

Step Three: Acquire Ether

The purchase of CAT tokens requires Ether.
If you already have Ether, just transfer some to your MyEtherWallet address.

If you require Ether, you can purchase some on well known cryptocurrency exchanges. Some examples include Coinbase, Poloniex or Kraken.

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to purchase CAT using a wallet address on a cryptocurrency exchange. To purchase CAT you must use a wallet that allows you to interact with ERC20 token contracts. We have provided guides for MyEtherWallet, Parity and MetaMask. Though many other services also support this.

Step Four: Check the Token sale has begun.

The Token sale will begin at block 4027470. If the current block number is equal to or higher, then the contract has begun. You can check the current block numbers here:

Do not send Ether before the sale has begun.

Step Five: Sending Ether to the contract

Ensure you have the correct contract address found on the official BlockCAT website. We recommend you copy and paste the address, then double check it is correct. Sending Ether to the wrong address will result in loss of the Ether.

Click “Send Ether & Tokens”. You may be prompted to login using your passwords or saved data.

Paste in the contract address into the “To Address” field.

Enter the amount of Ether you wish to send to the contract.

Set the Gas Limit to 200000 (Two Hundred Thousand)

Step Six: Add Data

Click “+Advanced: Add Data”. This will reveal an additional text box called “Data”.

Paste in the Transaction Data as found on the official BlockCAT website.

Then click “Generate Transaction”. Followed by “Send Transaction”.

You will see a final confirmation box. Use this chance to once again check the address is correct, then click “Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.”

Congratulations, you have now purchased CAT!

Once the sale reaches the minimum cap, CAT will immediately be available to use.

If the minimum cap is not reached, you will be refunded.

Step Seven: View your CAT

From the “View Wallet Info” page, select the option “Add Custom Token”.

Paste in the Token contract address (the same address used to purchase CAT) and fill in the Token Symbol as “CAT” and the Decimals as “18” then click “Save”. You can now view how much CAT you own.

If you have any further questions about how to purchase CAT, please tweet @blockcatio or email any of the team. The email addresses can be found on our website, and we’d be happy to help!




BlockCAT lets anyone create, manage, and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain — no programming required.