Ethereum DApps: UX Is A Problem

Combatting the biggest problem with Ethereum DApps

Alex Roan


Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

We have a problem. The promises of Ethereum, Smart Contracts and Decentralised Applications are boundless, but until the user experience is painless, it’s not going anywhere.

The Internet Loves Cats

In 2012, Google announced that a neural network had learned to recognise a cat’s face with nothing but images from the internet. For some reason, cats are all over the internet.

It came as no real surprise then that the first real “Killer DApp” was a cat collecting game called CryptoKitties.

It’s a game where players can collect and breed kitties for their distinct characteristics, like appearance and traits. In their own words:

“Players can breed their kitties to create new furry friends and unlock rare cattributes.”

The game became so popular that at one point in time it significantly slowed down the Ethereum network due to the number of transactions it executed on its Blockchain.

Despite this popularity, barely any of the traffic that Cryptokitties got on their website resulted in people playing the game. They announced an astonishing 99% bounce rate at the



Alex Roan

CoFounder at Cyfrin. Previously: Chainlink Labs.