Slovenian Digital Coalition Forum »Together for Digital Slovenia«

Slovenian Digital Coalition Forum gathered stakeholders involved in the digital transformation of Slovenia, as well as formal and informal coalition working groups, within which the Blockchain Alliance Europe operates.

Blockchain Alliance Europe
Blockchain Alliance Europe
2 min readDec 3, 2019


A Forum of the Slovenian Digital Coalition was held in the House of the European Union on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. The event hosted digital transformation stakeholders, as well as the formal and informal groups working on blockchain technology. The latter bring together Slovenian organizations in the field, including Blockchain Alliance Europe.

Informal group coordinator Tanja Bivic Plankar outlined the efforts of its various members as well as the difficulties that the blockchain and crypto industry face in their work. In her speech, she also referred to the statements made by previous speakers who repeatedly emphasized that many laws in Slovenia are not aligned with the basic requirements of the digital age and are therefore not a good basis for blockchain technology.

We also agree with the call for a better outward connection, as Slovenia, due to its past history, has not strengthened its links with the countries of Western Europe. For all Slovenian stakeholders, effective coordination within our country is also crucial, due to the fact that actions are sometimes taken for the sake of private interests instead of the common good.

Much attention was also paid to the event by IRCAI, International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence which will soon have its headquarters in Ljubljana. IRCAI is expected to be set up in early 2020, after the agreement between UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is signed.

The presentations were followed by a lively discussion among all participants. Among the more interesting highlights was certainly the call for non-discriminatory and intensive inclusion of women and elderly in the process of digitalization, as the current structure of implementation and training in this area often puts them in the background. At Blockchain Alliance Europe, we certainly welcome this kind of initiatives and think about what kind of actions will bring us closer to our goals.



Blockchain Alliance Europe
Blockchain Alliance Europe

Blockchain Alliance Europe is a non-profit organization that connects European companies and legal entities that use or implement blockchain technologies.