Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce — New Medium Publication

Andrew Spence
Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce
2 min readMar 30, 2018

Blockchain technology has some inherent features that could help us build the next generation of fairer and more effective work platforms.

There are many problems associated with the world of work that we need to fix :- the poor visibility of available work, bias and discrimination, and late payments to workers. And from an employers’ perspective :- poor visibility of workers, expensive intermediaries to unverified candidates.

I started researching blockchain and it’s potential uses in the workforce back in 2016, and wrote up some of my thoughts in my article “How Will Blockchain Impact HR?”.

This generated lots of interesting conversations, a published research project for the Tapscott’s Blockchain Research Institute, hosting events and supporting start-ups with products and making new connections.

Every week there are new and exciting developments in this space so I want “Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce” to be a hub for new developments and articles.

The aim is to include interesting articles and developments in the use of blockchain and other technologies in the workplace. It will also cover topics related to demographics, the job market and new organisational models.

Some topic ideas for Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce

  • How will digital smart contracts help manage the future workforce?
  • What will the impact of the blockchain workforce be on organisational models?
  • How can Organisational Network Analysis help distributed teams in the future?
  • How changing global demographics have changed the labour market
  • The gig economy in context of wider labour market
  • What design features do we need to have more diversity and inclusion in our teams?
  • Career tips for the those working in the distributed workforce
  • Impact of public vs private blockchains in digital work platforms
  • How will tokenisation work in the recruitment market
  • How to manage your public identity and personal data
  • How will distributed autonomous organisations work
  • Design principles to use when reshaping organizations dragged/pushed along by new technology
  • Will new technology increase trust between workers and employers in the future

By all means, mention your own company, but in context of the article…

Get in contact if you would like to submit articles to “Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce” or want to contribute in other ways to this fascinating, fast-moving topic.

Your curator,

Andy Spence

Andrew Spence



Andrew Spence
Blockchain and the Distributed Workforce

Passionate about making work better. Writes Workforce Futurist Newsletter.